
Henri Olkoniemi
Henri Olkoniemi
Cognitive psychologist at the University of Oulu, Finland.
PI of the Perception, Cognition, & Language Research Group.
Benjamin Buttlar
Benjamin Buttlar
I am Postdoc and social psychologist at the University of Trier studying cognitive conflicts. I'm particularly interested in how people justify and uphold behaviors that go against their attitudes and beliefs.
No one cares
No one cares
I am desperate for Bluesky attention.
Dogs pic
Dogs pic
Albert Sánchez-Gelabert
Albert Sánchez-Gelabert
Sociology | Postdoctoral researcher | UNED
Unfork Statistics
Unfork Statistics
False +ves only occur on true nulls. Srsly.
NNT me:
Omar Wasow
Omar Wasow
Asst Prof, UC Berkeley, Political Science. Study protests, stats & race: 1/ Agenda Seeding 2/ Race as a Bundle of Sticks
Lennart Steinke
Lennart Steinke
(he / him)
Interested in the intersection of code and psychology.
Loves to discuss UI / UX, game design and gamification.
Lena Masch
Lena Masch
Postdoc | Political Psychology | Political Communication | text & image as data | she/her #firstgen
Stephen Spiller
Stephen Spiller
Professor of Marketing & Behavioral Decision Making at UCLA Anderson. Studies decisions. Has opinions about graphs. Thinks we should say "I don't know" more.
The Data-PASS Journal Editors Discussion Interface | Building a fund of collective knowledge for editors of social science journals |
Lena Frischlich
Lena Frischlich
Communication scholar and media psychologist. Exploring the abyss of digital communications and how to foster democratic resilience. || Associate Professor Digital Democracy Centre University of Southern Denmark || Spokesperson DGPs Media Psychology
Matthew Kay
Matthew Kay
Assoc Prof Computer Science and Communication Studies at Northwestern. Infovis, HCI. Author of tidybayes & ggdist R pkgs. he/him. 🏳️‍🌈


Keith Markman
Keith Markman
Social psychologist at Ohio University studying counterfactuals, regret, free will, momentum, nostalgia, and conspiratorial thinking. Star Trek nerd. Trying to do something kind every day.
Roberta Vastano
Roberta Vastano
Neuroscience researcher working on multisensory body representation in spinal cord injury population
Marco Marinucci
Marco Marinucci
Postdoc in social psychology at the University of Milano-Bicocca and many other things

Simone Sebben
Simone Sebben
Social psychologist, not a real musician.
Ivy Jelisavac
Ivy Jelisavac
Pre-pandemic film director, current psych major. I talk about the magic in the mundane, pursuing your creativity, and my dog Eli.
Travis Carter
I'm Mike Smith. Banned by twitter for drunk twits.
Michèle Nuijten
Michèle Nuijten
Assistant Professor at the Meta-Research Center, Tilburg University, NL. Interested in reproducibility, replicability, and overall robustness of psychological science. Developer of #statcheck: a spellchecker for statistics. She/her. Mom.
Smadar Cohen-Chen
Smadar Cohen-Chen
Social psychologist and emotions researcher at Sussex Business School
Per Helge H. Larsen
Per Helge H. Larsen
PhD student in developmental psychology at NTNU, researching social inequality and mental health. Broadly interested in evolution, development, cognition, emotion.
Michael D. Krämer
Michael D. Krämer
Postdoc at UZH | PhD in psychology from FU-Berlin | research interests in personality psych, well-being, and mobile sensing
UZH diff-psy
UZH diff-psy
Account of the Individual Differences and Assessment lab of the University of Zurich

We are a group of researchers with broad interests in personality psychology and assessment. You can find us at:
Alicia Jones
Alicia Jones
Wanna-be writer, political commentator, and actual innocence advocate.

Support your local “Innocence Project”

I was raised in rural Georgia by probably the worst “Conservative Christian” people you’ve never heard of.

I’m a progressive and hate MAGA.
Tamas Andrei Foldes
Tamas Andrei Foldes
Postdoc at Cardiff University / Oxford University. Interested in Memory / Motivation / Well-being
Daniel Bingham
Daniel Bingham
I'm a software engineer and municipal policy advocate. I'm currently working on #openaccess and #openscience from a non-profit, open source software platform approach.
Markus Appel
Psychology of Communication and Media, professor at University of Würzburg, Germany. Father and former table tennis player.
Tina Keil
Tina Keil
Research Associate at Leibniz Institute for Psychology (
All views are my own.
Marianna Cecyn
Marianna Cecyn
Brazilian Neuroscientist (UFABC), PhD candidate (UNIFESP).
There is an whole universe inside our brains. Let's explore, investigate and discover it!

Neurons, neuroanatomy, rodent behavior, exploration and risk assessment behaviors, Basal Ganglia, ethanol
Juan Pablo Kalawski
Juan Pablo Kalawski
Chile, Terapia Focalizada en la Emoción, Método Alba (Emoting).
USA, Emotion-Focused Therapy, Alba Method.
Roar Stovner
Roar Stovner
Avid mathematics teacher that researches teaching. Currently studying how citations may distort or lend unwarranted authority to scientific claims.

I work at Oslo Metropolitan University in the Department of Teacher Education
Maria Ribeiro
Maria Ribeiro
into cognitive neuroscience
The latest measurements of the most important GHG in the Earth’s air--3400 metres above sea level near the top of the Earth's largest mountain & the middle of its largest ocean.

Posts by Michael McGee, b. 318 ppm, creator of CO2.Earth.
Corinna Oschatz
Corinna Oschatz
PhD, Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam,

#Political Communication, Negative Campaigning (, Digital Journalism, Public Opinion, Narrative Persuasion
Celine Bencker
Celine Bencker
PhD Student @stresslab @univienna
Topics: PMDD, stress, menstrual cycle
Stephan Winter
Stephan Winter
Media Psychology in Landau. Research: Opinion formation and expression | credibility | information selection | science communication.
Melissa Ditmore
Melissa Ditmore
Researcher and author of Unbroken Chains: The Hidden Role of Trafficking in the American Economy
Angus McIntyre
Angus McIntyre
SF/F author (“The Warrior Within” etc.) Photographer. Programmer. Allegedly sentient mammal. Contents may settle after packing. [he/him] - SF/F writing - Photos & more - Travel & photo blog
Dr. Özge Gürcanlı Fischer-Baum 🏳️‍🌈
Dr. Özge Gürcanlı Fischer-Baum 🏳️‍🌈
Cognitive Scientist | Science Policy Enthusiast | Award-winning Educator

Director of Scientific & Public Affairs at APS
Opinions are my own…
Lotty Brand
Lotty Brand
postdoctoral research scientist, human behaviour and evolution, social learning, cultural evolution, open science, secular buddhism
Kiran Basava
Kiran Basava
Technically an anthropologist. Postdoc at the Data Diversity Lab, University of Arizona | cultural evolution, phylogenetics, comparative databases
John Towse
John Towse
Experimental psychologist. Interested in cognitive science, research rigour, and interesting interdisciplinary spaces.
Enjoying the outdoors around the NW of England
Dr Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe
Dr Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe
She/They #ADHDisability #1stGen #StillPrivileged
#OpenSci #BehSci #DataSci

Roaming the roads and river of London since 2013

0% 🍺, 🎶 capharnaüms; watching 🏉, live gigs, dance, 🎪

Views my own.
Moody Beth
Moody Beth
Dv survivor mom artist
Disabled parent also battling long covid
I love to read write and paint