
Imagine finding your dad’s podcast.
My dad's would probably have been like the audio narration of a Robert Carrier cookbook. Just utterly unselfconscious blither about seventies bistro cuisine and anecdotes about the hospitality industry. I reckon he'd have made it about two episodes without saying something massively racist.
i am fairly confident, unless he's been playing a long con on me by faking his technological incompetence, that my dad cannot podcast
My dad restored steam trains to working order and was a C coder. I don’t need to imagine it, I can just just go on Mastodon.
I manifested three new cardigans just reading that.
Buckle up and prepare for the thrilling variety of 'Stanley-Gibbons Shade Variation and Perforation Flaws in Penny Red George V Postage Stamps', with support act 'Every 5 Day Test Opening Batsman Personal Best since 1882'. I'm eternally grateful he's not also interested in trains.
I feel like it would be kind of charming at first but every episode would be an hour and a half and nobody would ever finish one.
Correct. The series would also be 24 episodes long.
Mine would probably be obscure musicology stuff, much like the papers he's still delivering (and chairing) at conferences... I suspect he's too busy to make this happen, though.