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he/him, verified "likely human"
Reposted byAvatar Al
the podium/lectern guy on here is an especially egregious example, but whenever people pop up with that kind of 'correction' i want to ask "who do you imagine cares about this distinction", because it's definitely not the people they are trying to impress
Reposted byAvatar Al
“Ruin a children’s tv show by changing its name to Brazzers’ All American Amateur Anal Rampage 5”
Reposted byAvatar Al
New LibDem MP in the Highlands is anti-trans rights. The Libdems knew this and let him stand to represent their party anyway.
Traffic. Saw a woman on a mobility scooter get kicked in the shin by one. It was retaliation, she ad slapped it on the arse to try to get it to move out of the way. Hope she's not too badly hurt and also learns from this.
Reposted byAvatar Al
Imagine finding your dad’s podcast.
Reposted byAvatar Al
The thing about being very much sceptical about Labour doing anything good at all is that if they happen to do some small and positive it will be a pleasant surprise
Reposted byAvatar Al
Weird way of phrasing it when the biggest SNP transphobe lost her seat, but the Guardian is going to Guardian I guess
looking forward to Starmer completely failing to learn the lessons from France!
Reposted byAvatar Al
Vote early. Vote often. Stay hydrated. Chips don't count as one of your five a day. Dogs can't look up.
remember, if you're in a non-tory safe seat, it hardly matters if you vote or for who, because FPTP is a dogshit system
Reposted byAvatar Al
Reposted byAvatar Al
Reposted byAvatar Al
Just checking here - you mean these assholes?
Let Rose make pots, don't take away her basic human rights.
I just wanna make pots 😞
Reposted byAvatar Al
Everyone else: ok, so we had the Zwart Piet chat didn't we lads? We had to have it a few times didn't we? The Dutch: yes, sorry. Everyone else: ok so you've got the principle now? And you know it's 2024? The Dutch: yes, sorry. Everyone else: what are you wearing to the Euros, lads? The Dutch:
Reposted byAvatar Al
Manifest #6676 from NROL-129 (EXPERIMENTAL) 1. Apocryphal Pop Song Fabricator 2. Chamber of People
AliExpress doing the Amazon thing of "you bought (item)! Perhaps you would like to buy (similar items from different brands)?
Reposted byAvatar Al
Check out Daft Punk’s new single “Get Lucky” if you get a chance. Sound of the summer.
I get annoyed at work with colleagues that I probably have met but can't remember what they look like and haven't set a profile picture in Outlook/Teams. For four years my profile picture on there has been Lego (not the orange space figure).
Reposted byAvatar Al
One for our ever-increasing folder of People In Holes.
Reposted byAvatar Al
Reposted byAvatar Al
‼️Heads up again folk this guy is taking people’s photos & passing them off as his own! He’s taken & work & asked to delete/credit but ignored. He’s also sharing the stolen work to FB! I’ve got 42 mutals following this thief!
Updating my sanity filters to get through the week
Reposted byAvatar Al
“She's trolling New York City. The gall to wear an MTA shirt on today of all days. Just complete contempt for New Yorkers,” transit advocate and The War On Cars podcast co-host Doug Gordon said.
Hochul shows MTA 'pride' on day NYC congestion pricing would have The governor put the program on an indefinite pause earlier this month.
Reposted byAvatar Al
this is a quality take. in the spirit of its wisdom let me say that any women who are older than me by 2-7 years, have contralto voices that can hold pitch, and know how to operate a PT-76 are welcome to drive down my street and run over me with it, preferably not even noticing that they've done so
i think it’s good when people post about their weird sex shit online. online should be as hostile as possible toward anyone trying to use online for normal reasons because the people that want to use online for normal reasons are complete psychopaths.
Reposted byAvatar Al
There are Star Trek fans who do not like Lower Decks and I do not trust those people.
Reposted byAvatar Al
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list.