
We have already just admitted we are indeed doing this again in 2026 so start planning!
Where else can you get so much positive political action, enthusiasm, community, and entertainment packed into one box? (In 2 years I hope to have something worthwhile to donate to the next auction.)
Yay! I've got three more quiltlets pieced but couldn't finish quilting/binding them in time for this year's auction, so watch for them in 2026!
Hell yeah. I figured out a thing I can do that I think would sell but it was too late for this year.
Hey, just generally when do you start gathering donations? I want to put a reminder in my calendar to be sure I don't take a social media break or whatever at the wrong time.
We can't say for SURE b/c we never know exactly when we're going to do it. Tentatively now I want to try for February 2026 but that could change! But if you're on our contact list we'll give you ~6 months warning:
oh heck yes. perfect. i'll do that!
I’m noodling a something for next time. Soonish. My task list is telling ADHD me that it’s not yet time to jump to a New Thing™️.