
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
vary your sentence and paragraph length. let your verbosity ebb and flow, let your music swell and fade. don't be afraid to luxuriate in longer sentences and thicker paragraphs—within reason, of course—but don't get lost in those weeds. short? punctuates. but all short is like jagged stones
Sometimes I think of it in terms of careful blocking for the characters and camera moves for the cinematographer in a reader's imagination (for folks who see when they read), like a longer sentence as a slow pan or tilt, or a lingering shot on a particular composition.
ohhhh that's a really neat way of thinking about it! I've found myself thinking about cinematography a lot in my current project, but more concretely in terms of where the shot is focused and at what scale (writing mecha combat involves a lot of switching around there)
but as a more general way of thinking about sentence length and pacing and such…love it!