Sarah Margaret

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Sarah Margaret

literally the creator of fiddlehead fern. writer & artist. she/her.
the ariel girls and the belle girls really always find each other
im never going to sleep anymore im staying up forever now!!!! who's with me!!!!!!! nO BEDTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
[Nostalgia Critic voice] Helllllooo I'm the Omelas Child, I suffer it so YOU don't have to!
This post is fighting for its life lmao
a visit at rehearsal
me when i don't get attention for 20 mins: i have been shadowbanned
oh i see you only like it when i draw boys with pointy ears
a visit at rehearsal
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
if i never hear another firework in my life it will be too soon
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
would really love to do covers would really love to do interior art would really love to work.
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48-year-old fellow writer Leigh Dragoon is obsessed with me on a frightening level. She's incriminating me based on the WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR MY WHOLE ETHNIC GROUP, dug up my personal Facebook, harassed and ranted about me on multiple platforms (including here), and trying to get others to do so too
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I had the absolute pleasure of doing the flats for Andi Poretta's Debut Graphic Novel "Ready or Not" which was officially launched today! Go snag a copy and support Andi!
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
here’s what I drew today sorry
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
artist, designing a bongle with a lot of bingles on it: haha yeahhhh yeessss woohooo heehehehe artist, drawing all the bingles again later: WHY'D I PUT SO MANY BINGLES ON THIS BONGLE
Oh he did ALL of that shit didn’t he
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Angel design I drew for my friend's trrpg
reader: sarah what does this mean me, leaning so close to the microphone that everyone can hear me breathing: yeah honestly idk
me writing a straight couple: so he was born to pursue her and get her to fall in love with him and then die so he can come back as some sort of hell beast and he has to bring her to the astral plane to convince her that she’s supposed to be like the antichrist or something? Idk it’s unclear
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
I think the only reasonable move is for biden to pretend to have a health scare or something & hand the race off to Kamala, who is also insane but in a different way. I honestly don’t know… probably good that I’m not in charge of these things actually
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
i figure i should remind people that my kofi shop exists now that a bunch of new people r here. catch up on all my comics - featuring every fern up until like 2023
Have you ever wanted to own one of my comics on your VERY OWN COMPUTER??? Now you can! My ko-fi shop is filled with spooky stories, the first ever collection of Fiddlehead Fern comics, and selkies falling in love. Wow!!
i figure i should remind people that my kofi shop exists now that a bunch of new people r here. catch up on all my comics - featuring every fern up until like 2023
Have you ever wanted to own one of my comics on your VERY OWN COMPUTER??? Now you can! My ko-fi shop is filled with spooky stories, the first ever collection of Fiddlehead Fern comics, and selkies falling in love. Wow!!
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
this. that’s why they rig elections, that’s why they stockpile guns, that’s why they puff their chests out and act tough. they’re in the minority. and at their core, they’re weak.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
Don’t let despair defeat you. There’s more of you than there is of them. They will try to break your spirit but there’s more of you than there are of them.
me writing a straight couple: so he was born to pursue her and get her to fall in love with him and then die so he can come back as some sort of hell beast and he has to bring her to the astral plane to convince her that she’s supposed to be like the antichrist or something? Idk it’s unclear
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Margaret
i asked a lefty straight man i know (this is IRL) whether he was aware of the transformers comic where little girls have to kiss them to make them transform. i cannot overstate how little he wanted to talk about this, let alone acknowledge that any of it was real
extremely dangerous phrases in my hands: "what's money for?" "special treat for sarah" "should we be bad?" "it'll be good for the economy" "look... it's a local business"