
One of the least realistic things in the Fallout series of games is the idea that any current buildings will still be standing in 200 years, even without being within miles of an atomic bomb. Current construction methods last decades, not centuries.
Radiation ghouls I can believe, but you're trying to tell me this house made of sculpted cardboard and plaster is going to survive into 2200?
This is my biggest complaint about super rich people today--no one's going to leave us with a Versailles??? Just a shitty McMansion that's going to crumble in 20 years without upkeep?? Build the Hearst castle or GTFO
If somebody gave me real money I would build beautiful things with structural integrity
The sun breaks down pretty much everything waterproof and once a roof isn't waterproof the rest of the building is gonna be a pile of mush in a few decades
I don't think most people understand how much constant maintenance it takes to keep any building from falling apart.
An easy way to destroy a building is to cut a six-inch hole in the roof
Now you've got me thinking. Given that there's still radioactive fallout centuries after the bombs, a lot of them must have been low megaton high fallout salted bombs? Like Cobalt bombs, maybe? Like most fissionable nukes the radiation fades in a few weeks, but neutron activated bombs....
But of course, all the bombs we see in the games have those huge Mushroom clouds, so no. Oh well.
I think fallout 4 reconned it that half the reason the resource wars got so bad is because America got obsessed with over-engineering everything, which is a shockingly graceful solution to a few different world nitpicks.
I think part of the setting conceit is that everything is built like a boat like cars from the 50s. Like the Sears Catalogue houses are blown apart but the cities are built out of steel.
If Fallout happened in Europe on the other hand... 😆