
Making a GRC easier to get does not improve trans rights it merely streamlines our oppression
I imagine someone going hey keir look at this we can cut the amount doctors in half and other admin staff and people will believe its progress but really we are just saving money cause the actual quality of trans care/rights is immaterial
"We don't think you should be allowed in single sex spaces, we don't think you should live seamlessly in society, please put your name on our secret list"
"We've changed the certificate to be a pink badge in the shape of a triangle that you must wear at all times."
But you can get it real easy by declaring your trans status and one single zoom interview!
Well damn, that's so efficient and saves me so much time!
Yeah isn’t that so much more humane and dignified? We have modernised the grc application process. One email. One zoom and your pink triangle can be yours
Please nobody tell them about Gendered Intelligence taking trans kids on camping trips or they'll come up with a policy to send trans people to camps.
Can we Not fund our own voice of reason to talk to starmer. Make someone rich through crowd funding start and x account and become an expert on trans issues so we can effect our own medical outcome. Like the JK ginger winger kid killing ninja
Trans advocates are ignored because they're "biased"
I somehow feel whatever positive is said about us will be made into a negative and used to attack us. Just please when the vans come. #dontgetinthevan run hide do not go with them. Russia has started the camps and are in full swing so it won't be long before it's implemented here for our safety