
The amount of people who tell me to have patience and that progress is slow while they stand by and let actual regression happen in front of them as some sort of inevitable concession in our acceptance is nuts
Really fucking with me how much we’re not allowed to express anger as trans women and get tone policed even by our “allies“
In all seriousness I think one of the most important things activists can take from MLK Jr's actions is that if you want positive change you have to be an asshole. Wanting to change things is always going to upset someone, lots of someones, and you can't avoid it. So you just press on.
When the progress is so slow in many places that it's accelerating faster than any UK infrastructure project ever has, and it's stuck in reverse.
Fuck that gaslighting bullshit. There is no excuse or justification for any of this. 🤬🤬🤬
"Change is incremental and, by strange coincidence, it's always never the right time for it."
Progress is slow but regression happens at the speed of light it seems, funny how that works