Rayna Lamb - She/her

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Rayna Lamb - She/her


Disability activist, feminist, exhausted. Love books, musical theatre. How many social media thingies is this now?

I knit, garden, read, roll my eyes at politicians, yell at ableists, avoid cold weather, back up people making the world better, etc.
Apparently there are MULTIPLE drug companies working on long-term vaccines for UTIs, they’re trying to get people off antibiotics for them since it’s a suspected significant contributor to antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Republican or Democrat, black or white, rich or poor, we must band together as a nation and condemn the scourge of urinary tract infections
The Duke at Hazard is out on Thursday. Incognito duke! Disgraced gentleman! Regency road trip! Deceit! Gambling! Silhouettes! books2read.com/u/4A1xGA
I want people to take it from an actual communist (me)— Anyone who thinks artists/authors have a capitalist or landlord-like relation to production because of passive income from their created works simply does not understand class as a relation, or Marxism as a discipline. The end!
The problem with people who do Copyright Discourse to justify not wanting to pay for stuff ("ideas landlords! capitalism! sharing ebooks is redistribution of the means of production!") is, basically, they're morons.
Parakeets are the best. So cute in their little wheelchairs
Palestinian liberation is disability justice.
We spoke earlier about this … that Palestine like any other place has people with special needs and how extra horrible it must be for them now … The cowardly IOF unable to face resistance men face to face executed this special needs young man. #TweetsFromGaza
Oooh hey, the Death in the Spires ebook is at 99p on Amazon UK just for today! Edwardian Oxford-set murder mystery, running at 4.46* on Goodreads, snap it up! www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CX9NJRC2 (No idea if it will go to other sites or countries, I don't set these things, sorry.)
Really fucking with me how much we’re not allowed to express anger as trans women and get tone policed even by our “allies“
If you use the alt-text to just type in random garbage or make a joke, "I don't know what to put here, haha," stop being a dick and do it right or don't do it at all. Alt-text is an accessibility function that helps people with vision issues. You're saying you don't care enough about others to try.
I know it’s not cool or hip or whatever to like Hannah Gadsby anymore, but the most seen I have ever felt by my mom was watching the bit in Douglas about whether you can eat the box. That was 3000% me when I was a kid and we were both just delighted.
Hey fellow late Gen X/Early Millennial Aussies, If you're between 45-50, follow the link to get a free bowel cancer screening kit. The incidence of bowel cancer in younger people is increasing, so it's worth checking for peace of mind. Treatments and outcomes are better if caught early.
Request a free bowel test kitwww.ncsr.gov.au The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program offers a free, simple test for eligible Australians to reduce illness and death from bowel cancer. - Eligible people aged 45 to 49 can request their first f...
Everyone who worked on the 1922 film, Nosferatu, is now dead. Cursed film? Maybe. But you know what else? None of them read an Alan Baxter book either. I'm not saying it's definitely connected, I'm just asking if you want to take that chance.
Oh, you're worried no one will want to read the thing you want to write? Are you kidding? Have you seen the mad shit people are fans of? Write the damn thing already.
This summer will mark a year into my project to read some of the hundreds of books I've bought, started and abandoned reading over the years. It has taught me something that feels significant. /1
It's lots of fun.
#booksky Recommending OverLondon, by @georgepenney.bsky.social - hilarious steampunk-esque romp with witty dialog and pirates and humanoid animals populating an AltLondon, including a guileless kleptomaniac ferret girl named Flora). It’s an extremely funny and fun book.
Standing in the feminine hygiene section at my local supermarket and a woman in her 40s/50s walks up to the tampons and mutters to herself in a disgruntled voice. "Better get some fanny bungs as well." (FANNY BUNGS!)
When Linda finally loses this last fight, it's the goddamn fucking cops who killed her. Until then, she could use some help.
I dont know if yall know @killermartinis.bsky.social over here, but there was just an update on her substack. She could use our help on this, her last, chapter. lindatirado.substack.com/p/story-thir...
Story Thirty-Ninelindatirado.substack.com This time, it’s for Linda.
I run a group for people that have little or no family who are multiply marginalized to submit WishList requests for their birthdays/holidays. These are people that don't usually get any gifts on their special days.
Read this and really consider it. This world is still very ableist and very inaccessible.
A lot of disabled people can only exist socially online. That's missing in the lot of "touch grass discourse." Disabled people are often living physically limited from leaving their homes, & also commonly in social exile & abandonment that means the internet is the human community sustaining them.
I just read @lauravivanco.bsky.social 's brilliant article on @courtneymilan.com (online here: www.jprstudies.org/2022/06/hist... ) This is so, so good (and so is the novel), and I have so much fun every time I get the chance to read & write about romance novels
Historical Accuracy, Racism, Courtney Milan, and The Duke Who Didn’t Conform to Genre Norms – Journal of Popular Romance Studieswww.jprstudies.org
This is incredible news! I consistently fling Disability Visibility at nondisabled people who ask for an entry point into disability justice. I cannot wait for this capstone, both for personal and professional reasons.
📣📚🎉 It’s official!! I signed a contract to edit my third & final anthology in a trilogy, DISABILITY VULNERABILITY! I can’t wait to do a deep dive on how precarious disabled life is in an ableist world. Many thanks to my agent Julia Kardon of HG Literary and editor Anna Kaufman
This is a gentle reminder to all artists on Bluesky that if you really want your art to reach more people, you should be adding alt text to images the you upload. This makes them more accessible and thus more likely to be reposted, adds context and makes them more searchable. ❤️⌨️ #accessibility #art
Male journalist: asks a question about her ‘body type’, by which he means “fat” Nicola Coughlan: