
The impotent 'dissents' by the Liberals on the court portend what to expect by the Democratic party.
What would you qualify as a potent dissent? This is a genuine question btw
Trump v Vance, apparently potent dissent in that what only Thomas and Alito signed on to four years ago is now the supreme law of the land today
Sure, but under that rubric no dissent can be declared potent or not until we’re looking back from the end of time, so it’s not super helpful in the moment.
I am missing your point about when a dissent is worthwhile, or you are making an unrelated point that I do not see.
A dissent is always worthwhile to those who agree with the dissent. A dissent may be potent because it can shift the debate and even be cited in a majority opinion going forward. I think today’s decision would have been less likely but for the dissent in 2020