
what's great is how multilayered a success this is. It won't win a single conservative voter and it greatly demoralizes a huge number of liberal voters, all while being morally indefensible and a treaty violation.
President Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to essentially block asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, a major shift in how the U.S. has historically handled claims for protection. Here’s how it will work.
How Biden’s Asylum Order The president issued an executive order that essentially blocks asylum claims at the southern border, a major shift in how the United States has handled claims for protection.
Thing I used to impotently say to green party arsonists also applies to any defense of Biden (and whichever admin ghouls came up with this plan): There's no such thing as left wing outcomes that stem from right wing victories, ever.
This too
this immigration executive order is not just inhumane policy it's supremely dumb politics — no one was talking about immigration! keep with the "Donald Trump is a criminal" thread!! why are you trying to change the conversation???
That’s the part that gets me the most. R’s tried changing the topic to Fauci and the pandemic and that landed with a comical thud. Then, Biden willing changed the topic for them.
The phrase "the means are the ends" clarified a lot for me. If your means to get progressive gov is to push through reactionary policies, the end is just a reactionary government.
Lots of folks here are going to read that, like that, and not even realize that it applies to Biden’s candidacy from the very beginning, and perfectly explains why we all should have rejected “lesser evil” voting. But the people here can’t see it, like the Hosts in Westworld.
Lmao, “green party arsonists,” no, the Greens are not responsible for you guys putting a genocidal conservative in the White House. That was all you, always you. His police state, his genocide, his fascist border policy, all of it, literally on you.
It's really interesting how someone can go from rightly blaming Biden to trying to snipe third party voters as though we didn't fucking tell you all that Joe Biden has always been this terrible ghoul.
So what are you doing to get better candidates on the ballot for next time?
Have you considered that maybe the onus is on Dems to not embrace vicious and reactionary policies instead of on the voters
I mean, this is clearly the reason we shouldn’t ever embrace “lesser evil” voting, because it only ever makes fascists more and more viable, and that danger outweighs everything else.
Which is in turn the reason we should have ranked choice voting, so your vote is never "wasted" by voting for the candidate you actually want to elect.
Democrats don't *want* ranked choice voting. If the only way they can get votes is by arguing "it's either us or the Republicans win", arguing for a system that could allow third parties and secondary candidates to win just breaks up the status quo.
We don’t need RCV to deliberately refuse to vote for genocide. And it doesn’t even have to be genocide, it could be “fiscal conservatism.” It’s perfectly valid to not vote for conservatives, even in FPTP, even in swing states, in swing districts. It’d be *correct* to do so. For the record.
They supported genocide Joe when they knew who he was. They supported Hillary Clinton even after the atrocities she performed as secretary of state. This is who liberals are. They are vile thugs destroying the world.
So the only reason he did this was because he wanted to.
Just like genociding the Palestinians is also a pet project for him that won't get him re-elected.
He’s just campaigning again. He’ll reverse this as quickly as he can. I really think that push for non citizens to be allowed to vote backfired too.
Show me on the doll where the Democratic Party and Biden specifically did a 'push for non citizens to be allowed to vote'
It was an article posted on here. But I looked and they can’t vote in a federal election only some state elections
Yes I'm aware "niche political movements have successes in exactly 4 cites + ballot initiatives that may or may not pass" will get lied about by the GOP as something explicitly endorsed by Biden and the Democratic party. Still doesn't make this hideous border policy shift defensible.
I agree. I don’t really understand it. There are really people who desperately need asylum so I’m against a total shutdown
fabricated migrant caravan receives zero damage, and continues its trajectory onward toward the border at its alarmingly slow (and also imaginary) rate.
And a violation of US higher law & precedent beyond the treaty violations. Don't forget that.
I love this country finding new and heinous ways of violating treaties. They never fucking fail to be shit.
Avatar I rewrote my research paper on whaling from a nearly opposite stance after that.
I was at the last of the Makah whaling trial public response meetings in Seattle. Learned a lot.
Bunch of white people talking over elders in full regalia, who were not given pride of place.
Treaties are considered the law of the land and the equivalent of the constitution.
Which is why I said beyond (as in "in addition to"). I had that legal tidbit in mind when I typed that response, in fact.
Sorry. Thought you meant higher than as opposed to additionally.
I also thought of that potential issue, briefly, but I'm too stoned & in too much pain for stuff like that. Apologies for the ambiguity. /gen
I'm an English savant, which makes me pedantic, but I'm also chronically hypoxemic & live with substantial intractable chronic pain. It's a balancing act 😅
So which is higher, the law or you
I was at the last of the Makah whaling trial public response meetings in Seattle. Learned a lot.
Trump: anything's OK as long as it triggers the libs Biden: anything's OK as long as it triggers the left
Seriously though Biden already had every lib voting for genocide. What are they going do? The floor is already a lot lower than this, so Biden might as well go for it. Maybe open up a couple more Alaskan North Shore drilling operations.
Biden's every political instinct is wrong an he doesn't have the charisma to Obama his way out of it. Still amazing to me the weasel has managed to stay in politics so long.
Doesn't hurt he sacrifices his popularity on the altar of DNC's corporate donors. (What really matters to politicians)