Ross A. Lincoln

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Ross A. Lincoln

Awkward balding bearded typist, aging hipster cliche. DMs Open, don't be a dick. (journalist/editor/writer. Opinions mine alone)
The only two permutations of this that work are: 1) Biden stays in 2) Biden steps aside for Harris but remains in office Everything other permutation of this idea is either a fantasy or propaganda whose discussion is designed to get the Dems to lose the election and usher Trump into power.
I don’t think Biden should step down and spent this afternoon arguing with two panicked Boomer-aged friends but I also definitely think that the Biden campaign should not send out emails that lead the reader to ask “does Joe know he’s president”
You gotta be fucking kidding me with this email
The whole thread is worth reading, but let's focus on this post The reaction of the news media to one bad debate performance is a sign of deep disorder in US elites. They view Trump's fascist plans & rhetoric w/ equanimity but act like reelecting Biden would be a disaster
Politics is not just about culture, but culture is important. When the political culture of one party has come to be defined by an apocalyptic imaginary in which "we won't even have a country anymore" if a centrist-incrementalist like Biden gets re-elected, it's a sign of a deep disorder.
The New York Times warns of the "dramatic dangers of a second Biden administration" They're feeding directly into the apocalyptic rhetoric of rightwingers that is discussing this morning
Change in Headline
It's not just the usual partisan BS from Republican columnists. There are top Democrats suggesting Biden step aside at this late date Meanwhile polls haven't really moved
A viral blog post from an FTC lawyer warned companies to stop advertising AI as "having feelings." It was a truly funny post! It also reveals why Silicon Valley is so afraid of Biden — and backing a fascist like Trump. Tech is becoming scam-dependent.
A viral blog post from a bureaucrat exposes why tech billionaires fear Biden — and fund Silicon Valley increasingly depends on scammy products, and no one is friendly to grifters than Trump
Biden's people need to be thinking in these terms now because waiting until after the election will guarantee disaster
Not that I'd expect this to happen, but if Biden wins but Rs win majorities in Congress and it's clear they have the numbers and intent to try to do a certification coup, then Capitol and DC security should be given orders to deny them entry. Convene rump Congress without them and vote to expel.
There are no options to vote for in an American election that will remove Ben Netanyahu from office and send him to prison where he belongs. There IS an option to vote for continuing to address climate change.
many elected democrats seem to think "fairness" is treating the other side ostentaciously generously while letting them abuse your side whenever possible without fighting back.
Hunter got nailed so that Merrick Garland's DOJ could perform bipartisan neutrality. he didn't get a plea deal because Republicans complained. it was more or less a political witch hunt
so embarrassing to call him that
Trump's race-baiting stunts, along with Byron Donalds praising Jim Crow, are framed as "Black outreach" in the press. Nah, it's trolling. And the intended audience for it is the usual white racists Trump and Donalds pander to.
Donald Trump and Byron Donalds racial stunts are for white racists, not "outreach" to Black Trump's alliances with rappers and Donalds praising Jim Crow are about validating MAGA's racist stereotypes
You might think this story isn’t applicable to you because you’re not in New York, but it’s important because it illustrates our basic problem: Every issue you care about is held hostage by a ruling class that is incapable of doing the right thing because it might make some suburban cops mad
voters might say they don't support biden because of the hunter biden scandal but no one *actually* cares, it's just a pretext for someone who doesn't want to say they like trump to justify their choice. every news cycle the GOP wastes on Hunter is one they could've been using on something else
Hunter Biden's trial was supposed to be the salvation for the GOP. Instead, it's proving the difference between the parties. Democrats are not getting defensive, lying, or spreading conspiracies. If he gets convicted, they accept rule of law.
Why Hunter Biden's trial is backfiring on the It only illustrates how Democrats aren't lying, getting defensive, or pushing conspiracy theories
Twitter is now a right wing propaganda and spam mill run by an ignorant fascist, and I'm embarrassed for anybody (especially journalists) still using it, funding it, or helping lend it credibility
It’s 2024. Elon Musk Rules X. And the Political World Is Still Paid ads for political candidates are all over the platform, and politics insiders are secretly buying blue checks.
The very predictable consequence of so few Trump administration players being punished for lawbreaking is that they will break laws even more if he gets another term
Trump's Chief-of-Staff in waiting mocked those concerned about lawbreaking in the first Trump administration: “A bunch of people around him who were constantly sitting on eggs and saying, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s getting me to violate the law,’”
Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-constitutional’ vision for second Russ Vought, the former president’s budget director, is laying the groundwork for a broad expansion of presidential powers.
Hacks is a great comedy series that is going to lose Best Comedy to a drama (The Bear) that evades classification as a drama because it would lose Best Drama to Shōgun, a limited series that won't compete for Best Limited Series so that Fargo, a comedy series, has a chance there. Enjoy the Emmys!
Inverted is easier and makes more sense logically
what's a gaming opinion that gets u like this
Someone should get George's wife interested in fighting AI maybe
High-profile actor George Clooney called one of President Biden’s top aides to complain about the president’s criticism of the International Criminal Court’s action against Israeli leaders — a case his wife, international human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, worked on.
George Clooney called White House to defend wife’s work on Israel Biden had sharply criticized a move by the International Criminal Court to issue warrants for Israeli leaders
But mainly the thing is he fully cops to marching over to the news side and directly meddling in a news story about himself, and he believes this is normal and noncontroversial behavior
Meanwhile his message "I looked everywhere and the only qualified people I could find were white dudes I personally used to work with" gets even funnier when you remember that Kevin Merida is on the market
Post publisher draws more scrutiny after newsroom In a statement Thursday, William Lewis pushes back at media outlets’ accounts of events leading up to Post editor Sally Buzbee’s abrupt departure on Sunday.
I guess it depends on what group chats he's in
Treating dating as you would job-hunting is a recipe to perpetual singledom, mark my words people.
Sitting in a sushi bar hoping any random dude chats you up is poor form. Do stuff you like and meet men who share your interests. Then show interest in them as individuals. That's where love has even a snowball's chance of happening.
Keep it up and keep doing it in a way that demands the media cover it and voters notice it!
I am begging democrats to learn this lesson frontload your benefits, slap your name on them, and get the disruption over with as fast as possible so people get used to the new status quo it is worth paying a political price for some policies but that price does not have to be as big
Same instincts that lead to many of Obamacare's benefits not kicking in until 2-4 years after it passed leaving Dems stuck defending a law voters saw as massively disruptive and risky without delivering any benefits to them in the meantime.