
President Biden’s campaign had a bright fund-raising spell immediately after Thursday's presidential debate, but many big donors were alarmed by his shaky showing. Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden.
Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden? Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden. Others hoped the president would bow out of the race on his own. Many came to terms with the low chances that he will do so.
Ups and downs in an election campaign happen frequently. I don't see why there should be so much alarm.
Because the nyt wants there to be
I used to think the NYT just hated Hillary. It's clear now that they are opposed to any Democrat having legitimacy in the WH.
reporting ups and downs of a political election based on the voters' reactions to events in that election is biased, actually
I'm looking forward to your link to the past NYT Ed board calling on Mitt Romney to have abandoned his run for office when Obama schooled him in the second debate.
this isn't about schooling someone in a debate. this is about the fact that Biden seems genuinely not entirely there anymore, mentally. and worst of all, you KNOW that's what people like me are saying, but you have to make other comparisons because this is UNPRECEDENTED.
and the more you try to hem and haw about how unfair people are being to Biden, the worse the Democrats look and the more likely Donald Trump is going to win. because people have very little faith in Biden at this point, and the man is a liability.
With all due respect, these lapses of memory are natural, but that doesn't mean they're not fit to be in the White House. Trump is an extremist, he's radical, he has no character, he's not a noble man. I can't believe the Americans don't see that. Biden is a moderate man. Trum is a phony and a liar.