
President Biden’s campaign had a bright fund-raising spell immediately after Thursday's presidential debate, but many big donors were alarmed by his shaky showing. Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden.
Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden? Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden. Others hoped the president would bow out of the race on his own. Many came to terms with the low chances that he will do so.
this surge in Biden fundraising can only be good news for John McCain
It is basically, “fundraising uptick is bad news for Biden.” It is impossible to satirize the times at this point.
What if the NY Times is liberalism's ostomy bag
It is definitely something.
the $14 million in overnight donations was in the 17th paragraph. 17th.
And yet, not even the most absurd piece they have up at the moment.
It’s like, maybe the major donors don’t know dick?
What does being married to Steve Jobs teach you about leading america ffs?
Every million dollars you have is worth one (1) IQ point
Biden raised a lot of money after the debate. Here’s why that’s bad for Biden. You’re just a bad meme joke at this point.
Biden leads in the polls and beats Trump in small donations after the debate. NYT: Biden sucks and needs family interventions.
God, why are you covering for that orange felon? Stop trying to destroy our democracy.
Why are you trying to make this crap up? WHO? Who are these big donors and high-ranking Democrats? They don't exist. TRUMP probably wants Biden to drop out... this is idiotic reporting and you should really rethink your careers.
Glad that we’re getting the donor’s perspective. Thank you, paper of record!
The NYT is a GOP psyop.
Since none of you care to talk to the little people vs. whatever power brokers you are texting and calling journalism: my elderly mother and her elderly friends sent more than they could afford to Biden as a fuck you to YOU and the rest of the media, to show they aren’t concerned about his fitness.
Maybe there are more like them that you might want to look into? Maybe y’all want to tell your owner that “balance” doesn’t mean “relentlessly attacking the normal side while normalizing the confederacy, so that we create a balance that doesn’t exist in reality”?
Seriously, all this “too old” baloney is such an insult to elderly voters throughout the country (and they all vote! And volunteer, and fundraise, and show up for town halls and meetings, and heckle their reps, and everything else!)
438 different panicked stories in the Times yet only one saying that the solution is Kamala Harris. Maybe fighting the loudmouthed equally enfeebled racist on top of the GOP ticket could be the executive branch experienced former prosecutor who speaks to every other community in this country
If you are going to set the city on fire yet claim you’re a bunch of umpires, you may as well make a suggestion or two about where the water can be found jfc
I don't even like Harris, but she'd do a hell of a lot better than Biden. It's baffling that the Democrats haven't leaned more on her as it becomes increasingly clear that Biden is too out of it to do the job anymore.
On Wednesday June 26 I was guilty of seeing Harris as a disengaged liability. On Friday June 28 I was sure beyond a shadow of a doubt the only good - not perfect, not necessarily great - answer was her. Biden missed many openings, but Trump’s uncontested “Black jobs” line made this crystal clear
This routine is really, really old. Just say you fully endorse Trump & move on. You're not journalists. You're panderers for a felon.
Stop looking at his body all the time - yes, his body is old, but his brain works perfectly with all his experience. Remember F. D. Roosevelt, an impressive president who was practically always dependent on physical help. Nobody would think of denigrating him. What does loser Trump have to offer?
Go to hell, and not the nice hell. Could you point me to your piece about an old man insurrectionist felon rapist liar should not run for President?
NY Times also wrote a nice article about Hitler in 1922. Not sure we should trust your judgement about political figures.
Could be asking the wrong question about the wrong man? I am this close to unsubscribing.
Do it. I unsubscribed Friday, and absurd framing like this is why. "Biden raised 14 million after the debate. Here's why that's bad for Biden."
I donated. Trump is the one who needs to get out of the race.
Stick to your word games, Gray Lady. Leave the picking of presidential candidates to the actual voters, OK?
Where the hell was this story about Trump after his conviction, you thumb-scaling motherfuckers?
Just shut up. Really. Just stop now.
I do not care about”major donors”. I care that this country doesn’t become run by an authoritarian mob boss felon. Joe will always be my choice.
If any of those people who are trying to reach Jill Biden are reading this, you suck. I hope your family sees this and goes “oh, that’s my dad,” internet thinks he sucks, sorry.
“Major donors” — You mean rich assholes who were looking for any excuse to dump Biden over his tax proposals?
It was one debate and yes, it didn't go that well. But you can learn from your mistakes. And go for the kill next time.
Could you even imagine what the NYT could write about if they didn’t BEG & PLEAD to the candidates to still have these pointless fucken debates?
For the good of the country, the NYT Editorial Board should go fuck themselves.
Avatar is going after Biden like he’s a black woman president of Harvard.
Lick all the dogs' bags, Sulzberger
Republicans hate all Democrats universally. Democrats can’t pick a viable alternative to Biden with the same support. A win for Biden if true.
The candidates are secondary to who is lined up behind them. Trump is horrible, yes, but check out the 2025 Plan by the Heritage Foundation lunatics. They literally want to burn it all down. Compare with people who want to run the country halfway decently that are surrounding Biden.
Imagine a liberty statue kneeling in front of R2D2 with the words: "Help me, oh big Joe Biden. You are our only hope!" ...
This reminds me a lot of how Donald Trump’s campaign donations immediately skyrocketed after his trial found him guilty on all 34 counts. I think there’s a correlation between feverish donation by the political base and a politician entering a crisis.
Ups and downs in an election campaign happen frequently. I don't see why there should be so much alarm.