Natalie O'Connor

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Natalie O'Connor

Sometimes I write, but mostly I feel. Manchester, UK for very occasional stories, blog posts etc. She Or It
I had the opportunity to get my old job back in london in early 2023 and didnt take it and I am lying here, looking at my complete lack of friends who I have in my own right in manchester, and no idea how to find more, and thinking - fuck
A day-1 focus on prisons and (implicitly with the Timpson appointment) cutting the prison population was unexpected but welcome, honestly.
One of my most-told Parliament stories is when Jacob Rees-Mogg approached my desk and said "I do admire your clerkly mind" in a voice not unlike that of a mind flayer that concludes my JRM personal story.
oh dang Kate Hollern ousted by an independent too
would like some more lib dems tbh (she says, lib dem-ly)
IDS keeps his seat? Embarassing.
Not actually still awake because I love elections, but because this stage of covid means I can't lie down without hacking my lungs out, which is almost the same thing.
There have been a few cases now where the exit poll fprecast has been shown to fall in the case of unusual individual seat behaviour, maybe an even worse night for the tories is possible still
I swear every single fucking time I call 111 it goes the same way: "oh my god go to hospital IMMEDIATELY!!!!" hospital triage: " why the fuck did you come here, discharged, fuck off"
This looks to be the right level of stupid for sickbed watching
Welp, it's definitely covid - did an LFT and got immediate two very clear lines. Fucking hell I hope I didn't infect the rest of the larp.
Feeling well enough to post memes which is good. Slept for 12-13 hours by my reckoning! Needed it. My wonderful girlfriend bought me a big bottle of diet lemonade that I drank through the night every time I woke up dehydrated. Did a woosh order (decadence) for, among other things, more painkillers.
this is a quality take. in the spirit of its wisdom let me say that any women who are older than me by 2-7 years, have contralto voices that can hold pitch, and know how to operate a PT-76 are welcome to drive down my street and run over me with it, preferably not even noticing that they've done so
i think it’s good when people post about their weird sex shit online. online should be as hostile as possible toward anyone trying to use online for normal reasons because the people that want to use online for normal reasons are complete psychopaths.
Now back in my bed and feeling extremely miserable and alone and self-destructive 😊
I have to say, having the larp I have wa8ted fpr for years be ruined by catching covid ( or am I just nicotine withdrawn? I cannot fucking tell) is going to do a real number on my mental health. I am genuinely heartbroken that I missed out on the climax of something I have been looking fotward to f
Catching the novel coronavirua in 2024, something something throwback vibes I feel way too sick to make a joke, this is rough
Me taking a break from my toil in the service of God to read your silly posts
we had one of these (KidZania) in London, when I was working for Parliament. One of my clerk colleagues volunteered to go and run an activity for the kids there, presumably the ones who wanted to be...parliamentary clerks? My mind always boggled at that.
Several months ago, I turned any kind of spell check on my phone off as my own little Butlerian Jihad. It's why I make so many typos. It also means the panicked texts I send to when half-aaleep , when spooked about a dream about their husband tickling me, look like this.
I am going to have a clear 24 hours in Helsinki in a couple weeks, anybody have recommendations on things to do?
Spotted at PETCO. You know what to do, pups.
calling a midwife? why would i call my wife mid. i love her
In Lib Dems elecions HQ, a campaign manager's phone buzzes. It's Ed Davey. The plan for tomorrow has changed.
Campaign going really well I see
woah sorry about the posting-through-it depression spiral I got in last night. It's a tradition among my people, though.
Need somebody to rescue this bpd-addled codependent dog who csnt take care of herself but somehow is really good at generalist policy shit. At least tell it shes pretty
unshowered dogs in your area are acutely aware that they have to finish writing a report tonight, but at least the merch fits
I dont miss being married that much anymore (its been 6 years! ) but i do really muss being able to be held in the night, any night the trajectory of my life and the choices im making re: buying a flat for just me to lice in, doesnt make it impossible i would live with a partner again but idk
Feeling awful and unlovable! A day spent alone indoors! A day spent with growing certainty those I love will fade or keep fading from my life! I wish I had felt like this earlier when I could have gone out and bought some nicotine about jt