
A few years ago I was at a buffet with work and my, for wont of a better term, insane coworker was sitting with me. We were swapping overeating stories at a buffet, like you do, and I was treated to one of the most incredible examples of ageism I have ever personally witnessed, strap in
I shared a charming story about my grandmother causing us concern by eating very little of Thanksgiving dinner. But then, as soon as it was plausibly time for desert, asking for a PREPOSTEROUSLY LARGE slice of pie. The woman has priorities and she will act on them, by God
My coworker proceeded to look disgusted and ask, and if this is a paraphrase it is a small one, "How did she feel after that!? Ugh, I bet she felt terrible! This is why I support euthanasia"
I try not to put the energy of saying "insane coworker" out into the world too often, but another time, and less topically, she shoved her bleeding foot in my face and then blamed me for it because I'd answered her questions about the dress code the week before
Did you recommend euthanasia?
And cheers to your grandmother! She's more than earned the right to eat whatever she wants!