
here’s a fucking marker: biden does not step down, trump loses. make your arguments against it, but that’s the baseline you would expect if you don’t read the times and the atlantic writers shitting their pants in public. show your work, and i will show mine.
In 2022 GenZ and women almost tanked the "red wave" primarily because of abortion. Exit polling showed GenZ voting 2:1 in favor of Dems. This November there will be about 3 million fewer Boomers and 12 million more GenZ'ers eligible to vote. Elections with abortion on the ballot are going Blue.
I am a boomer. I refuse to go back to coat hangers, secrecy, and those awful magdalene laundries. Here in the states they were called "homes for unwed mothers" Bullshit. I am Riding with Biden all the way to the finish line.
Me too and I agree that no sane person wants a return to that dark age. While I like Biden and will vote for him on the ticket my priority is keeping out the Xtofascists and the convicted felon so voting Blue no matter who.