
I think the second point here that Biden is “cognitively fine” only makes sense to people who’ve never seen dementia firsthand. There is a deterioration that flickers off and on in the early years and doesn’t make much sense unless you see it for yourself.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
How the hell was "we beat Medicare" sharp and nuanced?
That entire answer was obviously the worst of the night and I’m starting to think anyone who saw it and still argues he’s fine just isn’t being honest.
Biden is showing signs of his age and stutter. His brain is functioning but his ability to express himself coherently fails when he is tired. That comes with age, it is not dementia. Anyone who understands dementia signs can see it in the convicted felon. Calling Biden demented is dishonest. 1/
2/ Biden's inability to express himself clearly when tired is a serious factor against him having a 2nd term. This is why the elderly retire. The convicted felon shows clear signs of early onset dementia in spite of still being able to lie to We the People. Neither of them should be running IMO.