
Now that photos can search text, I looked up “Bruenig.” I only found 10 screenshots, that I tweeted about at the time, but a couple are doozies. Let’s start with maybe the canonical example of how her “leftism” coexisted with what I’ll call a soft forced birth position.
One of the difficulties with reciting the ways the Bruenigs suck shit is that a lot of it was on Twitter, and they would regularly delete all of their tweets to make it difficult to verify the ways they were awful outside of consulting some weird freaks who kept unsettling logs of screenshots.
I like this one because it makes short work of the idea that she’s a great thinker.
Defense of Susan Sarandon combined with a glee at the (false, as it turns out) prediction that Dems were going to get crushed in the midterms. Fun stuff.
This one, you’ll note, is just “rotating villain” wearing a dress and saying “tee hee”
This one makes me think so many things but I can’t really top wrapping it up with “ideally the lord”
she’s turning me into a Reddit atheist I can see it enveloping my skin like a symbiote
Gawd I have not gone that far but eeeeek. The smugness burns. No wonder she had all those weird trad dudes in her mentions. Eeeeek.