
I’m in depression/anxiety hell because I’m flying to Chicago tomorrow to see my dad in his house one last time before they move him to the memory clinic
Nothing bad will happen on the trip but it’s one step closer to him just being totally gone
Alzheimer’s is such a bitch to grieve. The person withers away, there’s no one moment to say, “My sadness is now valid”
I don’t know if I hit a maturity point in the last couple of years that made me finally understand my dad, or if it’s just a matter of me paying closer attention after his diagnosis, but it always feels cruel that he started losing his mind just when I was starting to Get his whole deal
The one consolation is that, after my dad’s diagnosis, I immediately said we needed to do an oral history of his life We recorded in multiple sessions while he was still lucid in his longterm memory We got 17hrs of interview audio, all of which I’ve had transcribed A treasure
❤️❤️. This is touching. My grandma died from it a while ago and wish I’d thought of something like this.