rrhodeswriter.bsky.social follows

Eric Lewis
Eric Lewis
Worstselling author of the Heron Kings and other #fantasy and #scifi.
Newsletter, blog & short fiction @ http://ericlewis.ink
Has no problem cheating at a rigged game.
I block misandry. Deal.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
All the world’s a stage
Stephen King
Stephen King
Tachyon Publications
Tachyon Publications
Tachyon Publications, founded in 1995 by Jacob Weisman, is a San Francisco-based independent publishing house
DAW Books
DAW Books
SFF imprint of Astra Publishing. DAW has been publishing science fiction and fantasy since 1971.

Mar Vincent
Mar Vincent
SFFH stories in Escape Pod, Apparition Lit, Apex’s Robotic Ambitions, and other fantastical places. Human creativity, coffee, petrichor.

And I’m writing a novel, because it’s never been done before.
Kat Howard
Kat Howard
Writer of books, short stories, comics, and other things. Friend to cats and sometimes people. She/her. https://www.kathowardbooks.com/ and https://epigraphtoepilogue.substack.com/
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay
Author, punster, baseball fan, whisky lover, cocktail maker. Limericks happen here. All The Seas of the World out now in paperback.
Martha Wells
Martha Wells
SF/F Writer - The Books of the Raksura, The Murderbot Diaries, Witch King, and more. Nebula and Hugo Award winner. NYT and Sunday Times Bestseller. (She/her) Agent: Jennifer Jackson
Peter McLean
Peter McLean
Author. Proud grandfather. Pissed off looking wizard. War For The Rose Throne series. Priest of Crowns out now from Jo Fletcher Books. Rep by Jennie Goloboy and UTA. Talonwraith.com
Django Wexler
Django Wexler
Author of fantasy novels.
Refugee from https://twitter.com/DjangoWexler
My stuff at https://djangowexler.com/
Mark Lawrence
Mark Lawrence
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
*THE* Naijamerican PhD-holding, World Fantasy, multi-Hugo, Nebula, Eisner Award-winning, New York Times bestselling rudimentary cyborg writer
Old Moon Quarterly
Old Moon Quarterly
Old Moon Quarterly is an indie magazine of weird sword-and-sorcery in the vein of Clark Ashton Smith, Tanith Lee and Karl Edward Wagner.
Swords & Sorcery Magazine
Swords & Sorcery Magazine
Free e-zine of Sword & Sorcery and other pre-modern fantasy. Also pictured, Curtis, editor of same.
Connor Peterson ~ Astarion’s Juice Box 🏳️‍🌈
Connor Peterson ~ Astarion’s Juice Box 🏳️‍🌈
Author of LGBTQ+ steamy supernatural fantasy and fantasy romance. Trans fella. Dad. Gaymer. Unapologetic coffee fiend and vampire aficionado.

Button Man Scratch - 04/24
One Crossroads Later - 06/24

Jeremy Jenkins
Jeremy Jenkins
Chocolatier, baker, gardener, writer…
🇫🇷 Living in 🇬🇧
Find my latest recipes and my chocolate shop via the link below 👇
Scott Lynch
Scott Lynch
46, fantasy writer, ex-firefighter, veteran MechWarrior. Minnesotan transplanted to Massachusetts. Gizmonic Institute (1989-92)
Chris Willrich
Chris Willrich
SFF writer with work at Asimov's, BCS, Clarkesworld, F&SF, Lightspeed, Reactor, Strange Horizons, Tales from the Magician's Skull, Best American SF&F 2023. Books from Pyr and Paizo. He/him. The map in my profile image is by Rhys Davies.
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Writing and yelling.
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
Celebrating modern authors and artists in sword & sorcery - Beating Hearts & Battle-Axes anthology coming soon!

Ellen Kushner
Ellen Kushner
Author & woman around town. Married to Delia Sherman. Wrote Swordspoint. Host/writer of public radio’s Sound & Spirit. A new gig every 17 years. Back to writing novels. Seeking for further amusement.
I would probably like you.
Christopher Rowe
Christopher Rowe
Writer, reader, cyclist, cook, traveller. THE NAVIGATING FOX, starred review in Publishers Weekly, out now from Tordotcom Publishing.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Congresswoman for NY14, repping the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots progressive. Funded by everyday people, not lobbyists. A better world is possible.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies Magazine
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Magazine
Hugo, World Fantasy, and Ignyte Award finalist online magazine of literary adventure fantasy, since 2008.

Read/listen online: https://beneath-ceaseless-skies.com
James Enge
James Enge
Classics by day; sword-and-sorcery by night. The other way 'round sometimes.

Scott Oden
Scott Oden
Author of the Grimnir Saga; reader of historical fantasy and sword-and-sorcery; head of Chiweenie Relations at FeedMeFatMan Inc. . . .
Oliver Brackenbury
Oliver Brackenbury
Author / Screenwriter / NESS Magazine Editor. NSI Totally Television alumnus. Podcast Host: So I'm Writing a Novel, Unknown Worlds of the Merril Collection. (He/Him)
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman
Makes things up. Writes them down. Dreams about growing up but not yet.
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Democracy Skies in Blueness
The New York Times
The New York Times
In-depth, independent reporting to better understand the world, now on Bluesky. News tips? Share them here: http://nyti.ms/2FVHq9v
Official Bluesky account (check domain👆)

Follow for updates and announcements
End of list.