
I ate the Selfish Crab Dip and have been sitting with the cats on the sofa all day, and I feel somewhat better. The new TV is nice and wasn't a PITA to set up.
Middle RM is having surgery this week and is going to use the goat room as a recovery ward since the TV is there and it's not as far to the bathroom, so I have all the streaming passwords ready to go on my wee laptop.
Before that I have to do all of our laundry, sofa covers and shower curtain and all that included, but at least I can sit in AC'd comfort and play with lively little cattens whilst doing it πŸ–€
It's the TV room. There's a trippy painting of Baphomet my roommate made, and there used to be a goat plushie until Bumblebee stole it for his own.