Robert Schoenfeld

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Robert Schoenfeld

PhD molecular biologist, lab administration, former biomedical researcher, escapee from academia
Republicans are "rule of law"? From Joyce Vance re Menendez conviction: "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, has called for Menendez to resign. Meanwhile, the Republican party is in the process of embracing Donald Trump as its nominee to lead the country."
A personal favorite from last night's RNC: Tom Emmer boasting that Trump doesn't stand with "rioters," despite the fact that much of the former president's candidacy is rooted in his support for rioters.
Why the GOP's ‘rule of law’ focus is literally At the Republican National Convention, the party repeatedly talked about "law and order" while nominating a criminal for president. It was ... odd.
"Gen Z knows what kind of a future we want to build... Republicans are ready to tear that future down. Project 2025 is their plan to do that... We read through all 920 pages of Project 2025 so that you don’t have to. Read more about Project 2025 & what another 4 years of TFG would mean:"
Gen Z's Guide to Project 2025 - Voters of This isn’t the future Gen Z asked for. Gen Z knows what kind of a future we want to build. We want a future where we can afford basic living costs, live free of the burdens […]
Why does this remind me of the poker game on the train in the movie "The Sting?"
So much about this seems suspicious to me.
It seems to be a theme amongst authoritarian types to want to profit from a country's natural resources.
Very unfun fact: Project 2025 specifically names Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area and wants to remove its protected status and open it up to mining. This is the future Donald John Trump wants.
SMDH at today's WH press briefing. While I was watching, all the questions were about various Dems commenting on the President's decision to stay in the race. Does the MSM realize that keeping this story alive is benefiting no one except tfg?
Here’s a copy of a $125 mil lawsuit filed in ‘97. It was buried in a fed archive warehouse in KCMO. It’s almost never been reported on & the allegations suddenly vanished at a time b4 the internet. TFG tried to force sex on a woman, pushing her into Ivanka’s bedroom.
Me waiting for a Republican to explain to me why TFG needs immunity if he’s not a criminal…
“It’s time for the media & pundits to examine Trump’s brain”, Scott Dworkin Isn’t it ironic how #TFG went after the “failing #NewYorkTimes” and how everyone on Threads is unsubscribing or banishing it this weekend??? I would have cancelled also if I had subscribed. Have gotten more out of #Substack!
Time for the Media to Examine Trump’s It’s Donald’s turn to be under the microscope
So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
In response to yet another nyt "Biden should step aside" article.
Idiots. The plan should be to: 1. Promote all the good governance President Biden has accomplished 2. Explain Trump’s Project 2025 and the ways it will dismantle our democracy 3. Remind the voters of Roe vs Wade 4. Explain the choice is between Democracy and Fascism. 5. President vs Dictator
Spread the message about Project 2025, the media is too busy with their "Biden should step aside" feeding frenzy instead of focusing on real threats to democracy. Graphic from
CNN advertised coverage of the upcoming R convention using a clip of tfg at a rally saying "I love Milwaukee." Seriously, after what he said about the town a few weeks ago? MSM normalizing him has to stop.
Move over, Dred Scott Decision. You're no longer the worst decision in SCOTUS history.
It's almost as if today's SCOTUS decision is banking on our current President being ethical enough to not take advantage of the ruling, and at the same time ignoring that the aspiring dictator WILL take advantage of it.
I can hear the authors of the Constitution turning over in their graves.
Another in a series of hoodwinking. My partial list includes paying actors for - the ride down the escalator - the (non) union auto worker event - recent rallies in AZ and NV
More stunts by IQ45: on a false premise of a forum on black business owners, they sabotaged a PoC’s shop by stuffing it w/ IQ45ers like Ben Carson & having TFG call in. They staged an event using PoC as props🤬 The owner said not only was he set up, his business took a dive since the stunt aired.
'Betrayed' Black businessman accuses Trump aides of misleading him for a campaign Speaking with both Atlanta News First and News 11 Alive, the Black owner of an Georgia barbershop claimed he was suckered into becoming part of a Donald Trump campaign event after the former president...
The post-debate "Biden should step aside" media feeding frenzy seems to have swamped out the fact that the President seemed back to normal the next day. Sure, they've called out the other guy's lies, but it's a substory. And they're NOT calling on the other side to have a convicted felon step aside.
Last night was a stunning refresher on what Jan 2017 - Jan 2021 was like. We can't go back to that insanity because the President had one off night. You know who spouted his too-often repeated lies over and over again, with no push back in real time.
Is anyone keeping track of the number of times we've heard "hundreds of thousands of"... something?
I got a good laugh out of MSNBC pre-debate commentary during Katie's show - muted mics will benefit you know who and make him look more controlled. Still can't get away from the "everything benefits him mindset," can they?
The warden was a hardass but easily bribed with tuna. Photo from my collection, no date/info.
I just deleted my account on Farewell, it was fun while it lasted.
If I'm reading correctly, the Senate passed what is essentially the same aid bill as the one debated a few months ago, just without the border deal included. The border deal where Democrats gave up major concessions and would have given the Republicans a win. Spectacular strategy.
Not my photo, but it always makes me smile.
Regarding today's Supreme Court order, Lisa Rubin, appearing on MSNBC:  "You can no longer rely on any institution to save you or save democracy. We are the ones we have been waiting for. You want this democracy to not become an autocracy, get yourself to a Ballot box legally and fast."
End of feed.