
The last 24 hours of Discourse here have taught me that people have really strange ideas about the monetary (and other) value of used musical instruments. If you think junking a used piano is an aesthetic crime, I recommend against ever visiting your local dump.
I remember casually looking up the resale value of the still-functional 1911 piano I learned to play on as a kid. good thing it still has sentimental value
Been getting my nose rubbed in this recently, as I've been helping clear out an elderly relative's large and very full house: with a very few exceptions, Your Old Shit Is Worthless. No one wants your piano, no one wants your furniture, jewelry is worth whatever the current wholesale gold price is.
And the public library doesn't want your complete collection of National Geographic magazines from 1947-2017, either, so don't ask.
Oh god, 100%. Magazines: worthless. Books: spend some time gearing yourself up for this, because despite what you probably spent your entire lifetime being told and telling yourself, they're also worthless and you will be chucking them all into the recycling pile after less than 1% of them sell.
Even records. My father, a music teacher in his working life, had amassed an extensive collection of rare recordings of choral music on 78rpm. Nobody wanted them. Not the local universities. Not collectors. Not local archivists. Nobody. It just about broke his heart.
TBF to the archivists, a lot of them would have loved to take them, but it was something like 80 shelf-feet of records, which is a lot to rehome.
This. I brought about 10 large boxes of books to Half Price Books after my parents died and got maybe $40 for them. Which I then had to split with my brother.