
Ivy League law school dipshits who can't count atoms much less identify oxidation states have decided they get to tell you if your air is clean or not
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis!
how many other justices and clerks must have read over this thing? must have been in the dozens at least. and yet not a single one knew the difference between two-nitrogen compounds and one. idiots
Apparently none have done whippits either.
Not the point, but a deep dive into law school admissions would be revealing in this point. GPA and LSAT are the only relevant stats. In short: incentives are to get a high GPA in undergrad, and not challenge yourself with, say, chemistry.
His dissent in Castro Huerta starts with "In 1831 ... established a foundational rule that would persist over 200 years..." 9 justices and 50 something clerks read that paragraph and told Neil he's the most special boy.
Whenever someone mentions that they went to an Ivy League school, I feign ignorance and ask if that's a public university. Works every time.
th the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell??
Time for the identify the pollutant judicial challenge! Would probably involved pumping a judge's chambers full of said pollutant.
same mood but instead of making lunch it's making pollution regulations
serious question: is there grounds to sue because of the fact the opinions fucks up the science? feel like someone should test that.
make a judge put a stay on it and tell gorsuch to go get a degree in chemistry
Maybe the clerks were doing whippits when they wrote this garbage.
Republican path of “fake it until you make it”, just another ignorant right wing blow hard.