
Finally muted that John Bull account, not sure why, maybe the annoying avatar? He’s always going on about something and my other follows stumble around in this wake trying to patch up his factoids and correct his long reality-adjacent threads. Today on the 1922 committee. Have I been too harsh?
He’d just started up on the *swedish defence industry*, apparently he’s also an expert on that, as well as every effin other thing in the universe. Maybe he is, shout me down if you love him, I might reconsider.
No muting is better IMO because the account isn't informed and you can safely get on with live whilst they howl into the void.
🎯 Agree. Stealth-blocks are the way to go.
Ah I don't mind him, but definitely worth muting if he's getting on your nerves.
:D :D :D I say that you should block whoever is annoying you. You don't even have to make an airtight case about it. It's no different from being in a grocery store and some crazy customer comes up to you and wants you not to buy something in your cart because [crazy reasons]. Just walk away.
aye if someone came up to me in Sainsburys to talk at me about the 1922 committee and the swedish defence industry I 100% know how I’d feel about that
Block/mute whoever. I've been very liberal with it, and it's only improved my experience.
Weeping at “reality adjacent”. I have him muted too.
Is it the one with a drawn person with anime eyes looking like a fox or similar animal ears wearing a headset? If so, can't say I've ever seen anything from them, but maybe just a UK guy?
they aren’t that bad I’m just tired today
No idea who that is, but I've muted loads of accounts of people who think they're funny and seem to get retweeted/reposted all the time.
haha yes, down with all those popular types!
The avatar is bad, yeah. It's been my experience that good follows sometimes go through bad periods; I know more than one that I'd swear got replaced by text generators. So far my general practice of muting a lot of words & seeing only replies with a certain number of likes keeps him under control.