
I do like Hollande, though, very under-rated policy-wise. Facing a difficult economy, he balanced the books by raising taxes rather than cutting welfare. His minister of the economy successfully advocated for loosening the noose on the Greek economy. He was also the most anti-Assad Western leader.
And now he went back to the region where he started his political career and made his small contribution for the left's win today. I'm not a specialist, don't know the details, but seems plausible that his name recognition was decisive here, given that LR+RN had 56% of the vote together?
It's tragic because he was on the losing side of many important debates, even though now the consensus moved in his direction. France couldn't do a unilateral stimulus in 2013 no more than it could intervene unilaterally in Syria.
> his minister of the economy 😈
Oh, I meant Moscovici, who was maybe budget minister or something? But Macron was also a Greek dove of course