
there are millions and millions of americans who are smarter than this, write better than this, and are capable of forming far more piercing and clarifying arguments and yet our papers are filled with this kind of dumb fapping instead
What is the point of this bizarre wishcasting
i get the rhetorical game here, and it's stupid this is not even "the sword of His mouth," it's just tedious scolding doubly so because no amount of political christianity will produce a just society, because the second you even utter "Our Father…" you are already in 20 layers of patriarchy
🚨🚨 simp alert 🚨🚨
remembering when she wrote a big weepy piece about how grace dictates that we must all forgive and welcome the return of her friend freddie deboer when he hadn’t repented at all and in fact went right back to being an evil piece of shit
I will never stop reminding people that Liz Bruenig once called me "incapable of love" because i said that i expect my partner to do housework.
My HS AP English teacher wanted me to go into writing of some sort. I was good at it-it was easy but not enjoyable. If I'd been born later w/o morals I'd be making bank by dialing it in. An hour to write BS was my specialty & I had better insights at 17. Hellish existence, but she makes cookies.
Liz has written far better than this, I suspect this is a bizarre and clumsy result of trying to shoehorn her particular topical focus into the angle the Atlantic editors want, ie "we must flatter our the sensibilities of our readership while pushing the notion that Trump voters aren't lunatics"
I will never stop reminding people that Liz Bruenig once called me "incapable of love" because i said that i expect my partner to do housework.
Those people aren't - you know - REAL Americans.