Samantha Lai

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Samantha Lai

Senior research analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
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This story is horrifying on multiple levels. (1) It very likely cost lives in Philippines and around the world, including here in the US due to diminished trust in vaccines. (2) When democratic govs employ this kind of info operation, they undermine the values and trust that sustain democracies.
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Pleased to join my SAIS colleagues Thomas Rid, Olga Belogolova, and Lee Foster in imploring 🇺🇲 politicians, journalists, researchers, and tech companies to tone down their propaganda hype 👇
Don’t Hype the Disinformation Underplaying the risk helps foreign propagandists—but so does exaggerating it.
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This is the beginning of something I've been working on for a while - if you read it, answer the question at the end. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure, except in this instance, I'll be deciding what to do next:
The Information
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ICYMI: As the Senate considers a TikTok ban and major newspapers recycle hype about 🇨🇳/🇷🇺 influence ops, I argue that online manipulation is an overestimated threat. Treating "data" as the key to human suasion, and the public as an empty vessel, are likely far graver threats to democracy 👇
From Panic to Policy: The Limits of Foreign Propaganda and the Foundations of an Effective Response - Texas National Security American leaders and scholars have long feared the prospect that hostile foreign powers could subvert democracy by spreading false, misleading, and inflammatory information by using various media. Dra...
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In which I argue that fears of foreign subversion online are likely overblown--and that the damage to democracy is more likely to stem from the assumption that online manipulation is more prevalent, our neighbors more gullible, and human behavior more dependent on media than is likely the case. A🧵:
From Panic to Policy: The Limits of Foreign Propaganda and the Foundations of an Effective Response - Texas National Security American leaders and scholars have long feared the prospect that hostile foreign powers could subvert democracy by spreading false, misleading, and inflammatory information by using various media. Dra...
Policymakers from the White House to the United Nations have turned to “information integrity” as the approach for bettering their information ecosystems. But how can it be applied in the context of democracies? Read more here from and me:
What Does Information Integrity Mean for Democracies? Disinformation is only a symptom of a much larger problem.
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As democracies grapple with how to combat disinformation, Kamya Yadav and ask how policymakers can build secure and resilient information ecosystems:
What Does Information Integrity Mean for Democracies? Disinformation is only a symptom of a much larger problem.
Decentralized social media platforms face significant challenges to robust and scalable governance. and I explore what it will take to change that: Out now in the Journal of Online Trust & Safety:
View of Securing Federated Platforms | Journal of Online Trust and Safety Journal of Online Trust and Safety
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New paper from me and out today in the Journal of Online Trust and Safety, looking at the moderation capabilities of federated and decentralized social media, and what needs to happen to make these platforms resilient to online harms.
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How can democracies fight disinformation? A new report by Jon Bateman and Dean Jackson assesses the effectiveness of 10 proposals, including supporting journalism, fact-checking and media literacy education. Read more here:
Countering Disinformation Effectively: An Evidence-Based Policy A high-level, evidence-informed guide to some of the major proposals for how democratic governments, platforms, and others can counter disinformation.
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Delighted to see this paper published at HKS Misinformation Review with Gillian Murphy (not yet on BlueSky!) and a fantastic group of post docs and RAs. This was a huge review examining all misinfo studies published since 2016
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“Calls grow louder to regulate artificial intelligence, counter disinformation, and social media. But how can democracies govern the information environment if they don’t know how it affects people’s thinking and behavior?” More from
The OECD Forum
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GW IDDP launched a new project tracking platform transparency globally and attempting to measure the Brussels effect of new EU transparency policies. We hope this will be a tool for advocates, and researchers. (Thanks techpolicypress and
Platform Researcher Access Tools & The Brussels Anna Lenhart on the launch of a new Platform Researcher Access Tools & The Brussels Effect Tracker
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Do we pay too much attention to disinformation? On the latest Tech Policy Podcast, we're joined by of Carnegie Endowment to discuss how to study and better understand the overall information environment. Full episode below:
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It's impossible to condense over 3 decades of research and writing about trust and safety and internet governance into a 14 week class... but here's a first draft of the syllabus and reading list for my course next semester: I'd love your feedback and suggestions.
As summer winds down, here is a recap of what the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations has been up to in 2023:
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Key findings: -Skewed evidence base: >80% of studies from Global North; 36% test debunking -Inoculation & debunking reduce misinfo belief; other evidence more limited/mixed -Interventions that experts rate highest — media literacy, journalist training, and platform alterations — among least studied
Our new literature review essay commissioned by USAID: Interventions to Counter Misinformation: Lessons From the Global North and Applications to the Global South (joint with Rob Blair, Jessica Gottlieb, Laura Paler, Pablo Argote and Charlene Stainfield)
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This is a fascinating paper about a ChatGPT-based botnet for so many reasons, my favorite of which is: Fancy LLM/bot detectors all struggled to catch this, whereas human review and good old-fashioned social graph analysis revealed it quickly.
You have seen how powerful AI models like ChatGPT are. But what if they are used to supercharge malicious social bots? New paper: Anatomy of an AI-powered malicious social botnet Preprint: Thread:
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if you're interested in the legal background of what state medical boards can and can't do, I dug into it here:
This is a pretty devastating report by the Washington Post about the failure/inability of state medical boards to discipline doctors spreading dangerous falsehoods around the coronavirus
The Professional Price of
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New from me in What we can learn from Twitter's struggles with Chrissy Teigen calling Trump a "pussy ass bitch," and why rigid legalism has led content moderation to a harmful dead end.
Content Moderation’s Legalism Could a public editor solve social media’s crisis of trust?
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this is an amazing paragraph