
Could everyone stop quoting the “hilarious” wrong answers given by google ai? It wasted a bottle of water to tell you that terrible joke, water is life, ai bullshit is death, what part of this is hard to understand
I'm as upset as you at the waste but I'd argue that making everyone understand exactly how shit it is is really the only way we'll build enough of a PR problem for them to do stop. Google+ and Reader make it clear that whether people use a service has nothing to do with them continuing to run it!
(I mean: I'm not going to go out of my way to do wasteful AI queries just to find things to make fun of, but if they're floating around I think it's more productive to use them as a vector to criticise the waste than pretend they don't exist and leave more people not-upset with the service.)
I would also guess that at Google’s scale, it‘s not actually submitting prompts to an LLM for each individual search query. More likely it’s generating and caching AI summaries for search topics with the highest anticipated demand.
Hopefully! My concern is just that if we were to assume Google were rational about it they wouldn't be doing it at all! We've seen several people claim the implementation was rushed and panicked, and the easiest implementation is also the most wasteful. :/