
We need a system where, when someone criticises a protest for being done the wrong way, they're asked how the protest should have been done, and when they answer, they're automatically signed up for weekly email reminders to participate in just such a protest
I’m in favor of this system being implemented for all sorts of armchair criticism of things other people are out there in the world trying to achieve
No joke whatsoever: I would love an automated system that said "oh, you have an opinion about that? Here's a forum of people discussing that topic in detail [Link to a 'start here' page that describes the current discussion heads at high level]"
💯I wasn’t joking either! I mean if you’re gonna talk the talk, then you should have to walk the walk… otherwise just STFU 😹
Or, better yet, they're required to organize said protest they think is better
Yeah, but they would never ever do that, while if they are just given a date and time to show up, there's some chance they can be shamed into it