Ilana Masad

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Ilana Masad

Writer and critic for hire. Author of the novel ALL MY MOTHER'S LOVERS. Queer, tired, Jewish, and ill.
Novel, classes, and recent reviews:
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at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
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Amid all the bothsides pearl clutching, not a single pundit will dare say that Trump’s own rhetoric since 2016 has ushered in this age of political violence. Remember when he urged folks at his rallies to beat up protestors? Remember January 6? Today he fell through a door of his own making.
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New Trump news about to break so please remember the basics:
TIL that scholars believe Pope Joan to be entirely a legend :(
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The alarms are blinking red. Trump's allies are plotting a second coup attempt right out in the open. We should fear a genteel January 6 with fewer riots and more lawsuits; the means may differ but the intent is the same.
While the Democratic Party decides which presidential candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, the Republican Party focuses on making sure that the election doesn't matter. Plan accordingly.
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.
Sounds like today has been extremely chaotic on here and I seem to have missed all of it, so, yeah, I think twitter is back guys
This is truly one of the absolute worst things about contemporary American online leftism - the self righteousness aimed at anyone who doesn't make your exact personal political choices, as if your context is THE context.
It's still the place I see the most Palestinian voices, & is still vital to Indian alternative journalism. I loathe what the clown prince has done to the platform, and he may yet destroy it, but it's annoying when westerners imply anyone staying there is betraying them personally or something.
*decade, lol. And usually I turn in such clean copy too. I'm so angry and frustrated.
Fellow freelancers, don't you just LOVE knowing that you've been working in your field for over a decad and still not getting the rates you KNOW friends and colleagues of yours are getting?!?
Fellow freelancers, don't you just LOVE knowing that you've been working in your field for over a decad and still not getting the rates you KNOW friends and colleagues of yours are getting?!?
Realizing that one of my love languages is getting interested in other people's interests and taking their recs so I can talk to them about stuff and it's a rarely reciprocated (an observation not a complaint!) but I'm wondering - is there a name for this one? Also lol is this why I became a critic
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Concerns mount as to whether the 173-year old New York Times is too old to continue in its role as the nation’s newspaper of record.
It's not that the Times just now suddenly decided to take a nosedive, its coverage of trans youth, of the confected "plagiarism scandal" at Harvard, and of the protests at Columbia have all been deeply embarrassing
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I feel like the "Biden's age" narrative is an attempt to insert drama into a presidential race that supposedly lacks it, and I think "will this be the last democratic election" or "will it be illegal to sell me food" or "will any of us be alive next year" are all perfectly dramatic questions.
First time I saw FTM used in a parenting subreddit I got so excited thinking there'd be another trans person there. Alas, not what it means there.
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So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
That very particular feeling of "I want to write down all my very smart thoughts and ideas right now" and not doing it.
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I've never seen an etymology simultaneously be so bizarre and make so much sense
Galactagogue is the coolest freaking word ever and it's hilarious to me that it means what it means (food or drug that increases a breastfeeding person's milk supply) But also brb gonna go develop a drag persona called the Intergalactic Galactagogue
Read the fucking room, Amazon.
This deserves more likes
Galactagogue is the coolest freaking word ever and it's hilarious to me that it means what it means (food or drug that increases a breastfeeding person's milk supply) But also brb gonna go develop a drag persona called the Intergalactic Galactagogue
Galactagogue is the coolest freaking word ever and it's hilarious to me that it means what it means (food or drug that increases a breastfeeding person's milk supply) But also brb gonna go develop a drag persona called the Intergalactic Galactagogue
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The Times finding some right wing shill to tell people not to vote on the Fourth is the grossest thing they’ve done since the Tom Cotton editorial.
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Biden does not need near-flawless execution to win. You made that up, you offered no support for it, and it's not true.
What's really disturbing about the debate fiasco is there's no way to be confident that Biden has it in him to pull off the near-flawless execution he'll need to win at this point. At a minimum, the Bidens owe us a real conversation about that. My take:
What Joe Biden Really Owes the Country Right There's no sugar-coating the debate, which was a disaster. At a minimum, he and Jill owe the country an honest conversation about whether he can still do this.
The baby is turning three months old this Friday which means it's time to start feeling guilty about not writing fiction or working enough again!!!!
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I’m going to share an opinion: It kind of irks me that fairly often when I share an article drawing attention to a clear and present danger, there’s a tendency on here to focus on how the article was written rather than the danger itself. I get it, so many norms in journalism reify power. BUT—
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all is not lost but it's a bummer to feel day after day that our elected champions are not up to the task and likely not even aware of what is requires
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Since deli is short for delicatessen, belly should be short for bellycatessen. "she had a big cute bellycattesen" "he had his bellycattesen button pierced"
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unforgivable that the world stands aside to let this siege continue, with (at least) half a million Gazans already starving.
Gaza’s remaining hospitals, health centers and oxygen stations will stop working within 48 hours as the fuel needed to operate generators runs out, Gaza’s Health Ministry said in a statement shared to Telegram noon local time Sunday.
Gaza’s remaining hospitals will stop working in two days, health officials Israel’s closure of the vital Rafah border crossing last month severed key supply lines, aid groups warned. Fighting goes in Shejaiya, Gaza City, the IDF said.
Since deli is short for delicatessen, belly should be short for bellycatessen. "she had a big cute bellycattesen" "he had his bellycattesen button pierced"
"I'd prefer a large mediocre croissant to a really good small croissant and that's how I know I'm an American." - my partner, on his brand of patriotism