
🔩 Ch 22: I hate this motherfucker so much, this entire chapter makes me want to gnash my teeth and shriek, "Begone, fly, foul fiend!" at Victor. Like this line, what the shit is this? "... made her a more fit companion for one blasted and miserable as I was." So fucking glad that her grief and 1/
🔩 unhappiness have benefited you, you fucking asshole! But mostly it's this utter fucking bullshit: "I will confide this tale of misery and terror to you the day after our marriage shall take place; for, my sweet cousin, there must be perfect confidence between us." AFTER the marriage? AFTER? 2/
No, motherfucker, there's shit you disclose before you marry someone and tie them to you legally, and "I have a child from a previous relationship" is absolutely one of those things, there's no fucking loophole just because the relationship was between you + natural philosophy and the breakup 3/
was catastrophically bad. And not for nothing, but another one of those disclosure things would be, "The guy who killed three other people we loved made a credible threat to be there on our wedding day." You are morally obligated to tell that to your fiancee, not mouth lip service about... 4/
"perfect confidence" what the actual fuck, Victor, why are you the most selfish person on earth? Also, "But, as if possessed of magic powers, the monster had blinded me to his real intentions" NO HE DIDN'T, a guy who killed a kid on impulse told you he would be there on your wedding day... 5/
...and you didn't stop to think that given this guy's track record, you'd be putting yourself, your bride, your guests, the celebrant, any witnesses, and any random people strolling by at risk? You absolutely could have foreseen this, and you absolutely owed Elizabeth a heads up. 6/
If premarital counseling existed in the day: "Anything you'd like to tell your fiancee, Victor? Anything she should know about you?" "How about the day after the wedding, when she's legally tied to me for life?" "...maybe we'd better review the basic concepts again." 7/7
Premarital questionnaire, British literature edition: 1. Have you discussed finances? Are you expecting help from any extended family, and have you talked to each other and them about those expectations? Do you know what your fiancee thinks about money? (Do you know anything about your fiancee...)
...beyond her prettiness, blondeness, and attractiveness when crying?) 2. How do you interact with each other's family of origin? How much time do you expect to spend with each other's extended families? (Does your fiance loathe your brother and have a passionate history with your sister-in-law?)
3. This one's kind of a gimme, but we have to put it in even if it seems kind of silly, either of you already legally tied to someone else in marriage? Any current, living spouses (perhaps confined to an attic)? Ha ha, obviously not, we... ....Mr. Rochester? Anything you want to say?
4. If he’s a rich brooding widower, how did he really feel about his glamorous wife who drowned in mysterious circumstances?