
So when people have said 'hate is a helluva drug' what it really means is when you see people like JKR being a bigot, or some Karen losing her shit on trans people existing Their hate is PASSIONATE, and it's like...someone really into sports. And their frenzy, their passion is quite real. But
they have no skin in the game. What they do, what they call for in their bigotries doesn't really impact them. So they can play their game like it's life or death. And IT IS LIFE OR DEATH, just not ...for them. They could turn this buffet of time they have this interest in being part of drama
into something good. And some do, even though it's for fucked reasons, or covert narcissism ~ Lineham, King of the Lesbians, engaged in the pro choice Irish abortion fight. But such people need a forever war, and bigotry supplies that.
David Gerrold said that the people who hate us can afford to take time off. It's a game to them. A hobby. But for us it's life and death, and we don't get to take breaks. That's their weapon, exhaustion. To survive we have to find ways to recharge.
See also: all the J6 protestors who thought they could just go home the day after attempting to overthrow the government without any consequences to them.
Usually they can. 🤷
The wheels never stop turning, but damn if they ain't slow.