
My next one will be the 16th Parker book, Butcher’s Moon. Stark thought it was going to be the last Parker book, and wrote it with that in mind. Then he took a break of **23 years** until Comeback in 1997. I have been waiting and waiting to get here in my reading.
listen, I know I go deep in on shit and become boring about it for a few months, but you love it, #actually, and I have pretty heroically not been tweeting about Elvis Presley every day this week
Parker? Like the Statham movie?
In fact, the Statham movie was a little bit like the Parker novels upon which it was based
I appreciate you answering in a way that made my question sound a lot more intelligent than it actually was lol
I have been drip-feeding myself Donald Westlake because I know there's only so much of it.
Oh, interesting! Are you reading just Westlake titles? I always read those but this is my first foray into Richard Stark.
I just read my first (and the first) Parker novel, which was a drink of cool water.