SaraKateW, Torpid Homebody

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SaraKateW, Torpid Homebody

Is anybody watching Supacell? Its good, I think.
Avatar fyi, final episode of Bodkin has a verbatim “we’re the same, you and I”
I have been birding in a swamp in northern Virginia in July can one of you meet me at my house and help me get these jeans off
Sometimes a recipe will say “serving size: 1/6th of recipe” and the person who wrote that recipe can bite my butt.
Only 15 years after the trend swept the nation I have now participated in my first escape room and do you know what? It was a really fun time.
There was a scene in the 1983 miniseries “V” that rocked my world as a kid, where the Earthlings at a nightclub out-sing the occupying Visitor officers with native songs as an act of unarmed defiance, and the top of my head blew off 3 years later when I discovered it was an homage to Casablanca.
My degree of “washed Gen X auntie” now includes getting genuinely angry at the trailers in front of Despicable Me 4, apparently.
“Please look normal,” I ask very politely, always.
“There is absolutely no reason why I can’t put a bunch of stats on this Fitbit before it’s time to get ready,” she said, sitting back down.
On the principle of “two is a coincidence, three is a trend” I feel bound to report that young women are out here wearing knee socks and heels with summer dresses.
[politely, like a good hostess] Well, I know it’s a bit inconvenient to accept my recommendation to read 15 books, but if you do I promise this 16th one is a PIP and a payoff.
My next one will be the 16th Parker book, Butcher’s Moon. Stark thought it was going to be the last Parker book, and wrote it with that in mind. Then he took a break of **23 years** until Comeback in 1997. I have been waiting and waiting to get here in my reading.
My niece has a bespoke Starbucks order now, in case you weren’t already boggling at the way kids suddenly become people.
good morning to giant summer bugs, and no one else
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
My next one will be the 16th Parker book, Butcher’s Moon. Stark thought it was going to be the last Parker book, and wrote it with that in mind. Then he took a break of **23 years** until Comeback in 1997. I have been waiting and waiting to get here in my reading.
If I were Jason Blum and I wanted to be a hero I would announce Happy Death Day 3 today, when we all need it.
“Hearing the click behind him, Parker threw his glass straight back over his right shoulder and dove off his chair to the left.” Back on my bullshit. Banger opening sentence.
go for a walk, read a book, watch season one of Bridgerton and finger yourself, sew up that burst seam you know about but haven’t sewn yet, just wash your face and go to bed, all phenomenal options
When you’re trying to chill, but also trying to motivate yourself, you could do a lot worse on Spotify than dialing up any random playlist with “Letterkenny” in the name.
Not here to brag but literally no one does a worse upward dog than I do.
[out of nowhere, defiantly in the face of zero defiance] You know who had an absolutely beautiful singing voice? Elvis Fucking Presley.
I do not recognize the other woman in the Cover Girl commercial with Queen Latifah. Anyone?
I am listening to a Spenser audiobook that is performed by Burt Reynolds, of all people. Despite him being about as non-Boston coded as one can be, it’s a surprisingly good match! That thread of wiseassery that runs through everything they both do except when the fighting starts.
A secret debility of mine is that I find these to be incredibly intimidating and suspicious. I will burn something, I’ll do it wrong, I’ll make a mess, people will be waiting and watching me. Can never, would never.
oldest child said she was "not into" the hotel make-it-yourself waffle, the future is absolutely doomed