
Avatar told me about first blood & I never understood how people use “Rambo” as a synonym for proUS, pro-manly man, probullshit when in reality he snapped & it basically tells us the us doesn’t give a fuck about you even if you risk your life & serve in the military. Literally ACAB.
in concert with this, y'all, tell folks around you today how First Blood spreads an ACAB and anti-NIMBY message. He just wanted some food. At the diner. Ffs.
Ah... by the third movie it is VERY "Manly man American whups the Commies."
It's up there with the far-right using "Born in the USA" in trying to co-opting works that were against literally everything they stood for.
Or churches having children sing “hallelujah” in the Christmas plays… like, did anyone read these lyrics? This is NOT a children’s song.