David Forbes

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David Forbes


Anarchic history, queer defiance, cooking and - of course - fighting city hall.

@avlblade.bsky.social editor. Writer and journalist. Trans gal. Eldritch dyke. She/They. 🏴🚩

Writing at: patreon.com/DavidForbes
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I tried to post the clip from Casablanca where they sing La Marseillaise on Facebook and this happened
Reposted byAvatar David Forbes
I am once again begging conservatives to make it to the end of one piece of media they intend to reference
ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
Reposted byAvatar David Forbes
Show this to everyone who’s like “But THEY don’t belong in my Eurofantasy construct!!1!” African red-slip pottery was excavated from medieval digs in Europe decades ago. Now we have more evidence of even broader trade networks. Our species likes hanging out with new people and trying new things.
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most of the christian nationalists I’ve known are suburban business owners. plenty of them are healthcare providers. some are rural blue collar workers but those are the minority and also tend to be the least politically active because they generally lean more conspiratorial libertarian than others.
It's also wildly inaccurate. Plenty of the base of white christian nationalism is in wealthy suburbs and, yes, cities too. Stop buying this "barefoot hicks" b.s. and realize the fascists are down the street shopping at whole foods.
Highlander. Which had many a bad episode but never a boring one.
what’s the most embarrassing show you nevertheless like? for me, it’s the considerable shame I feel about enjoying Big Mouth
The TTRPG duels thing, but it's entirely Switch Fights.
Precisely. Even down to the local level, including in rural areas, christofash are a distinctly gentry lot.
The biggest funders of white Christian nationalism in the US are billionaires.
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Not visible to the public is the fact that this administration has alienated some of the strongest organizers I know. And here I mean those who focus on electoral organizing.
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My new go-to when explaining northern semiautonomy: "okay, remember the Emishi people from Princess Mononoke?" "Yeah?" "That part of Japan" "Ohhhhhhhh"
Reposted byAvatar David Forbes
I canceled my subscription to WaPo a few years back because they did a very similar puff piece– it was about a ranch in TX that is a "home" for single pregnant women (and I am using "women" specifically here for a reason). What it actually is is a Christian work camp.
Either the NY Times has staff reporters that can't recognize white supremacist shit unless it literally comes with swastikas, or they see a purpose in puff pieces about white supremacists. Neither reflects well on them.
It's also wildly inaccurate. Plenty of the base of white christian nationalism is in wealthy suburbs and, yes, cities too. Stop buying this "barefoot hicks" b.s. and realize the fascists are down the street shopping at whole foods.
Honestly I feel deflated seeing the response to “depiction of white Christian nationalism ascendant” be cracks about inbreeding, or glee at concentrating these people in rural communities so they can eat their own
A thousand times this.
Taking critique seriously /= listening to every critique as though it's gospel, or just "listen to marginalized people" as a flat statement, but rather, learn to stop reflexively defending people you have a parasocial relationship with and you'll save yourself a lot of heartbreak
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There is no way to stop committed attention-seeking grifters/rhetorically talented hacks from prominence but all these people/their orgs/movement structures were called out by black folks, trans folks, anarchists and others over and over and you can avoid getting burned by taking critiques seriously
Ken Klippenstein is streaming with George Galloway. The Young Turks are hosting RFK Jr. One ex bernie spokesperson is streaming with candace owens and another is defending Nick Fuentes. Brianna Wu is hanging with lauren southern. Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate how the left chooses celebrities.
@bskyttrpg.bsky.social duel @faeweichsel.bsky.social 2 Challenge delivered in the dyke-iest way possible, complete with cloak flourishes and leather gloves. Lesbianly.
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Remember when some of y'all got real mad at me for doing some back-of-the-napkin math about how much water "AI" likely uses, in light of the fact that they refuse to release their actual numbers? Anyway.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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Black trans folks, if you need some short-term therapy to take care of some things, The Okra Project may be a resource for you. They provide 3 months of free therapy to Black trans folks in the US. Check it out. www.theokraproject.com
The Okra Projectwww.theokraproject.com
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Reposted byAvatar David Forbes
Sigh. I need more hypnosis in my life.
"I always thought you were a guy." "Most guys do."
tell me your fav film with a quote.
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This is the entire view of the right and one they’re pushing out tons of propaganda about. It’s why we get 10,000 stories of people shoplifting from Walgreens and nothing about tax cheats even though it involves multitudes more money. They want to define crime as existing entirely within the poor
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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Reposted byAvatar David Forbes
I posted this ages ago on another site, but it seems worth sharing here too. Anyway, even us ancient dykes struggle with this from time to time.
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"These days, there are angry ghosts all around us – dead from wars, sickness, starvation – and nobody cares. So you say you're under a curse? So what? So's the whole damn world."
tell me your fav film with a quote.