
And the primary reason for that is because the money you get when you go past GO each time, does not increase. But rents do.
Remember: Monopoly has a Basic Income and everyone still ends up bankrupt and homeless.
Whoah I did not make that connection before.
What's funny and fucked is IIRC the creator of the game, who I believe was a woman, created the game as ANTI CAPITALISM. It's designed to show the progression and evils of capitalism in a winner take all system. The number of family fights over Monopoly is legion.
I literally just told "it was created as a critique about capitalism but I guess they forgot to change *that* part of the game!"
I mean it's right there in the title of the game too and yet most of us, esp as kids, missed it
I think the issue that kept most of us from grasping this is that the common house rules everyone made to be “kinder” just extended the relentless grind of doom. And almost nobody followed some of the rules at all. Little neurodivergent fairness-obsessed me got soundly mocked for reading the rules
Thinking back this is one of those “why on Earth did they not have me tested?” flags