
It’s about f***ing time. Take that down, and you start to dismantle the diabolical misinformation ecosystem. Do The War Room next, I say.
he's already diverted his income stream from supplements to a company owned by his father and he openly advertises on Infowars for that. The mainstream right is still inviting him to their events, he was at the TP USA thing in Detroit last week..
We're stuck and unfortunately still going to have to deal with this clown once he figures out how to keep grifting after this is all over
At some point, his luck and income stream will run out, and I want to be there when it happens.
so do I, I really hope it happens. I think people are misunderstanding my point...
I’m not misunderstanding it, to be clear. I just hope to hell that soon he no longer has places to hide. He owes those families $1.5B and he’d better start paying.
It's true. He won't. His influence has been mortally wounded. He's cooked.
Remember Milo Yiannopolous? Me neither.
Yeah, pretending we can’t actually beat our enemies and refusing to celebrate when one of them has his face ground in the dirt isn’t wisdom, it’s defeatism.
I think InfoWars is cooked but Mr. Jones is going to find a way to weasel himself back into some gig that allows him to keep spewing his nonsense. I mean, I really hope you're right but he has a lot more influence and friends than Milo and won't disappear like he did
The thing is: he can still be pursued in state courts for moneys owed on a court order even AFTER he declares bankruptcy, and the Sandy Hook families have made it quite clear they're not going to stop coming for him. He can make as much money as he likes and 90% of it will still go to repayments.
I think he's tried to sneak it so all assets and income are now his father's, and he just earns nothing while Dad pays for everything. I am sure this is the first time anyone has tried This One Weird Trick.
This is supposed to be illegal and something bankruptcy courts are supposed to watch out for, buuuut I’ll believe he won’t be allowed to get away with it when it actually happens.
I don't know anybody other than the likes of the elongated muskrat who can come up with $1.5B.
That doesn’t have anything to do with him hiding the assets he has
and kudos to them, they are owed for the misery he has inflicted on them
Yeah. I’m worried that, since the company owned by his father is apparently owed millions of dollars, that’ll get paid out first and the families will only get whatever scraps are left.
Especially since the court-appointed conservator has already said that the process of the family collecting the money is interfering with him winding down Infowars.