
It’s about f***ing time. Take that down, and you start to dismantle the diabolical misinformation ecosystem. Do The War Room next, I say.
he's already diverted his income stream from supplements to a company owned by his father and he openly advertises on Infowars for that. The mainstream right is still inviting him to their events, he was at the TP USA thing in Detroit last week..
We're stuck and unfortunately still going to have to deal with this clown once he figures out how to keep grifting after this is all over
It's true. He won't. His influence has been mortally wounded. He's cooked.
Remember Milo Yiannopolous? Me neither.
Tucker Carlson really thought his influence transcended Fox News and ummmmm nope People hate losers
lol every time I think of how far that cocksucker has fallen it makes me smile
Poor Tuckums. Just kidding. I’m delighted he isn’t aggravating me daily anymore.
Well, most especially people who are so consumed with hierarchy that it's basically the noveau Divine Right of Kings
I think InfoWars is cooked but Mr. Jones is going to find a way to weasel himself back into some gig that allows him to keep spewing his nonsense. I mean, I really hope you're right but he has a lot more influence and friends than Milo and won't disappear like he did
Honestly he won't. He's sad, old, and demented. He only had one schtick and it's not working for him any more.
Finding out that I'm basically the exact same age as Jones was so unsettling to me for some reason. I always had thought he was a boomer.
Yeah, Jones has a big problem, namely that almost no one wants to go to the mat for someone as old as him who got cooked for saying dead kids was a hoax. The right isn't that far gone (yet) and without Infowars, he's more of a liability than an asset.
I of course hope you’re right. But I can’t help think that another sad, old demented guy tagged for huge court judgments is the GOP nominee for president, and has no trouble separating rubes from their money.
I think the thing is I don't think he has the juice to rebuild and there is a zero percent chance anyone will keep him around as an employee for any amount of time.
this could be our only hope, he is annoying as hell anyone listen to Knowledge Fight?
Except possibly a relative
Yeah, pretending we can’t actually beat our enemies and refusing to celebrate when one of them has his face ground in the dirt isn’t wisdom, it’s defeatism.
Not deafeatism as much as realism. These clowns just find new ways to monetize and re-up their grift one way or another. Look at all those Q clowns who still have rallys and conferences and monetize their different platforms (X, YouTube, etc.) and just keep rolling along. Q hasn't posted in 4 years
See, this is an extremely common move, getting called on defeatism and then saying it’s just realism and everybody else is being Pollyannas. Look at Tucker Carlson. A giant on the right until he just…wasn’t. Take a night off from telling everyone nothing matters.
Yeah and there's like only a few dozen of them left, they've all killed each other off. They're harmful but they're nowhere near numerous nor influential as they once were. But that's a "movement," not just a single person. Jones is cooked. He was propped up by really bad people who are now gone
Certainly reads like defeatism.
But, but nothing gold can stay! Grief is the price of love! Sadness and death are inevitable! We have already lost! Only the cynic, who risks nothing, can survive!
At some point, his luck and income stream will run out, and I want to be there when it happens.
so do I, I really hope it happens. I think people are misunderstanding my point...
I’m not misunderstanding it, to be clear. I just hope to hell that soon he no longer has places to hide. He owes those families $1.5B and he’d better start paying.