Mike Feher

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Mike Feher


Software engineer at NASA | saxophone + electric guitar | unapologetic flirt | progressive/liberal/Democrat/atheist | My tongue is always in cheek. | All posts/views mine, but you can share. You may know me from other places, but if not, you should. 😊
A lot of that going around these days.
I don’t know what his last name is. I know he said his wife went in for surgery and was recovering and then…poof.
1. The racism 2. See 1. above 3. See 1. above
Surprised they’re not made out of human skin.
Other than his idiocy, I don’t know.
Person: Nearly dies as a bullet whizzes past their head Normal person: Is extraordinarily grateful, thanks their lucky stars, and maybe considers the ephemeral nature of their existence Abnormal person:
Well, that didn't take long. Trump is now attempting to profit from the assassination attempt in the most crass way. He is selling assassination attempt sneakers. meidasnews.com/news/trump-i...
Trump is Now Selling $299 Assassination Attempt Edition Sneakersmeidasnews.com Trump started profiting off this act of political violence before contacting the widow of the man killed in the attack
Just received my 7,892nd fundraising email from the Democratic Party, talking about how the elongated muskrat is going to be making monthly $45M donations to Combover Caligula’s campaign and two things immediately came to mind:
1. I’m not sure it’s legal to donate that much. 2. “Oh, sure, hang on a minute, let me grab a spare $45 million to combat that.”
Hell, Faulkner would’ve sniffed at the juvenility of his attempt to capture Southern Gothic:
Let me save you some time: all those Appalachian writers you know? They think that dude’s book sucks. And they’re right. Go read David Joy, Leah Hampton, Ron Rash, Silas House, and Crystal Wilkinson. You know, for starters. You’re welcome.
Over-roasted and overrated.
Continue not drinking their lousy coffee?
Wow, I didn’t know Tom Sizemore was so accomplished!
I am very much realizing that I have little in common with the people around me. In my head, it’s simultaneously peaceful and meditative while having many thoughts completely removed from the banal chatter my ears are experiencing. I quite literally care about none of this.
And they’ll lap it up bEcAuse oWn tEh liBTaRDs.
Okay, this 1-2 punch was funny.
The great Ohio-vs.-Florida debate is underway here at the team lunch.
September 23, 1926–July 17, 1967. The world was never the same after his departure:
A man supreme: “My music is the spiritual expression of what I am — my faith, my knowledge, my being...When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups...I want to speak to their souls.” —John Coltrane
It’s noble on paper and a very human attempt to wish for peace; I admire that, but it’s unfortunate that it doesn’t translate to reality. 😞
I was unaware of how little say HST apparently had over the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it would not surprise me to learn that war hawks in the military were the ones who were hellbent on using nukes:
Today in 1945 at the University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory—one day after the Trinity test—Chief Physicist Leo Szilard signed and circulated a petition to President Truman urging him to weigh all the “moral responsibilities” before deciding whether to use atomic bombs in an attack on Japan.
One is reminded of the unhinged Gen. Curtis LeMay during the CMC—thankfully, JFK was the cooler head that prevailed in that situation.