
look man if you’re saying that NYT is coming in with a well-reported piece that will prove Biden is and has been unfit to serve, let’s see it. but what you linked is not even close to being it.
I do think that NYT editorial has now chosen to go to war with the Biden administration, so if there’s anything NYT reporting has loaded they’re going to drop it. why wouldn’t they
This was all planned before the debate, which seems important
As someone who writes trending stories, it is not at all unusual to start a file for live event coverage for planning and budget purposes and prewrite some background to give you a head start the night of. That said, the system I use doesn’t create URLs until they’re published the first time.
I’m not saying they didn’t write a hit piece before the event here, but starting an advance file is pretty common. Same way news media gets extensive obituaries of famous people out so quickly, they’ve already been written and are just waiting for details for the top.
Yeah I don’t even work in trending stories and my CMS defaults to a slug that includes the date the file was created.