
look man if you’re saying that NYT is coming in with a well-reported piece that will prove Biden is and has been unfit to serve, let’s see it. but what you linked is not even close to being it.
I do think that NYT editorial has now chosen to go to war with the Biden administration, so if there’s anything NYT reporting has loaded they’re going to drop it. why wouldn’t they
This was all planned before the debate, which seems important
I'm not sure I buy this based on the evidence at hand; just because they pre-wrote *something* in that article doesn't mean they pre-wrote the performance stuff; entirely possible that became the focus and much of the pre-write was scrapped, or only some background was pre-written
Someone at the Times should leak all the drafts of this piece so that we can judge what impact, if any, the debate had on the editing process. The public has a Right to Know whether the newspaper of record is trying to harass a public servant into stepping down prematurely
Torn because I find this very unconvincing, but at the same time, it is the signature move of NYT and no one deserves to endure it more than them
Honestly, the politico piece about the feud between the NYT and Biden has made me question the motives of everything the Times has published about the current president. Is that unfair? Maybe. I do think skepticism of elite media choices and framing is warranted, though
How The New York Times Became the White House’s Least Favorite Biden’s people think they’re “entitled." The Times says “they’re not being realistic.”
See, that's criticism I buy! But the slug thing is so pedestrian I think skepticism cuts hard *against* it
they had pieces by like 80% of their main contributors ready to go the next day. would be shocked if there weren’t prewrites
there’s nothing wrong with pre-writes to be clear
but I do think it’s a fair hit to say that if you do pre-writes in the alternative in anticipation of several outcomes of a future event, you are not then reacting with specificity to the details of that future event.
It's also extremely routine, no more surprising than the guy who was President Obama's gaff machine being inarticulate in public
kristof’s specifically was published something like 40 minutes after the debate ended, which, at the very least, means he put very little thought into it, he just wrote it in ink without even reviewing it or running it by anyone to challenge assumptions
As someone who writes trending stories, it is not at all unusual to start a file for live event coverage for planning and budget purposes and prewrite some background to give you a head start the night of. That said, the system I use doesn’t create URLs until they’re published the first time.
I’m not saying they didn’t write a hit piece before the event here, but starting an advance file is pretty common. Same way news media gets extensive obituaries of famous people out so quickly, they’ve already been written and are just waiting for details for the top.
Yeah I don’t even work in trending stories and my CMS defaults to a slug that includes the date the file was created.
That's helpful info. Without drafts, we're assuming based on the NYT's consistent negative coverage of Biden's age. I think the fact that so many of the columnists were on the "Biden must step down" beat the next day is telling. No one thought, "Let's see how the voters react" & write about that?
It wouldn’t surprise me, based on the onslaught of “Biden is old dammit” stories the NYT has been fire hosing out, if they hadn’t prewritten that part as well. Just that advance story files are a pretty common practice.
And as the American Prospect points out, "Most first-term presidents lose the first debate of their re-election campaigns"
Yeah, this seems pretty clear by now. Not even in a "conspiracy theory" kind of way. It's just really obvious that a TON of people were waiting for the first opening to shiv Biden, and had their arguments ready to go. It is what it is.
I really underestimated the whole thing and will be the first to admit it. I'm used to election freakouts; we all are. Not this kind of extended multi front attack.