
It's simple: Promote and support other authors and creators. They're your peers, not your competition, and introducing them to new audiences expands the field rather than limiting your options. I was helped early on by others in my line of work. I'm happy to pay things forward.
So I have to thank because in addition to writing books I love to read, his holiday blog that let authors tout their books on his site allowed me to discover the Steerswomen books by Rosemary Kirstein. Y'all, they are awesome. Seriously, go read them.
I really appreciated being able to add our book "Shadows in Light" to the blog, even if it is about two years old now. So thanks very much, John. 🥰 We hope someone benefitted. You're definitely one of our heroes.
I can't tell if it actually resulted in any sales, but I'm still incredibly appreciative anyway. Independant authors face, well, not an uphill, more an upcliff, battle. So anything that just lets people know we exist is always going to be appreciated.