
Hot tip for people using direct messages: Never make your first DM to someone you never DM'd before a casual "Hi, how are you?" message. Instead, give a proper introduction and state your intentions or the question you want to ask. Just come right out with it! You'll be more respected for this.
Legitimately hate it when they dance around.. -_-
When I DM someone for the 1st time, I always try to bring up something that me and the other person have in common (Hobbies, music, games, etc.)
People aren't TCP/IP connections to ping. Deciding to DM has already punched through the social anxiety barrier! Even a "Hey it's Boom, I loved the thing you did earlier and I thought I'd say how cool it was" or "Hi, I saw your foo and I didn't want to ask in public, but I was wondering..."
Think Ethernet frame. Preamble, “Hi” Destination, “Person you want to talk to” Source, “This is Person who it is” Payload, “What it is you want to discuss”
Apparently, that might be a bot scam going around, too.
My experience usually ends up they're a scam of trying to get me to commission them (with next to no art on their fairly new account) or they want to sex RP. Neither of which I hold interest in with complete strangers.
Exactly this. If I just see something like "hello" with no other context to the message I'm going to assume you're a bot and either ignore you or block you.