
🧪Thank you to everyone who reached out. I had less than 24 hours to turn this one around, so I wasn't able to get in touch with everyone, but I finally feel like I'm starting to rebuild my old community of friendly science folks from the bad place.
🚨 #journorequest: Are you a postdoc or grad student funded by the NIH? Are you excited/bummed about this week's announcement that they will be increasing salaries, although at a level below their own advisory panel's recommendations? Let's chat! For a story in Nature.
NIH to increase pay levels for pre- and postdoctoral scholars Increase applies to more than 17,000 research trainees and includes additional funds for childcare and training-related expenses.
NIH pay raise for postdocs and PhD students could have US ripple Salary increases for the 17,000-plus recipients of an NIH research award could lead to increases in other academic settings. Salary increases for the 17,000-plus recipients of an NIH research award co...