Brian Schatz

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Brian Schatz

United States Senator for Hawaii. Climate hawk. Chief Deputy Whip.
I will happily listen to 20 minutes on a podcast about that Jokic interaction with the fans.
This is no longer just one scandal, or a simple partisan dispute. This is an earthquake for the Article 3 branch of government. Silence will not work. A full explanation, and a fulsome reform, is the only way forward.
Today would be an excellent day to hear directly from Chief Justice Roberts. It is not some violation of the separation of powers to ask him to answer the most basic question: Why does the highest court have the lowest ethical standards?
This is Jupiter in a sweater she hated.
The best thing about this app is that the people are funny. That’s all I wanted to say. Most social media sites are so weirdly serious. Even the “fun” ones are deadly serious in their precision and predictability. Good job!
Republicans want to cut the six bucks a day that a poor kid gets for food assistance or else they will literally cause a global economic meltdown. However crazy you think House Republicans are, they are worse.
If we default, global economy will crash - stock market way down, interest rates way up, 7 million jobs lost. R’s say they will take cause American default if we don’t cut the six bucks a day that hungry kids gets for food, and throw 21 million people off health insurance. No.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Schatz
In honor of and appreciation of reading my skeet on the television I’m rooting for the Sixers.
The only way to prevent default - w/ a bipartisan majority and 60 in senate is a clean anti default bill. I am flabbergasted at some in the media treating the Speakers bill, which is deeply unpopular and is coupled w the threat of the collapse of the economy - as anything other than extortion.
In order for me to quote skeet on air you need to write one worth sharing
Who should I send invites to? 1) other politicians 2) pundits (don’t worry I will select wisely)3) activists 4) people I personally know 5) idk man just make a decision it’s not that big of a deal
So we are really going w skeets and that’s a settled thing? I figure I might as well get my embarrassing questions out of the way while I’m new.
Ok I can’t resist here’s Jupiter. She younger than her sister.
This is shu mai. Will post Jupiter pic tomorrow. Thanks for having me on this app!
I didn’t have my own winter coat until I was a Senator.
Tell us a true story from your life that sounds made up.
I’ve laughed more at posts on this platform in the last couple of hours than on the other one in the last couple of months. I will try very hard not to ruin the vibe.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Schatz
Btw earlier this year while researching the US government’s horrific and immoral Tuskegee Syphilis “Study”, I learned that Sen. Schatz’s late father Irwin was one of the first whistleblowers to call it out. I will say his name and remind people of this as long as I can. May his memory be a blessing.
I think it’s possible that this thing could work. If anyone can recommend some follows I would appreciate that.
Thanks Jake. He remains my hero.
Btw earlier this year while researching the US government’s horrific and immoral Tuskegee Syphilis “Study”, I learned that Sen. Schatz’s late father Irwin was one of the first whistleblowers to call it out. I will say his name and remind people of this as long as I can. May his memory be a blessing.
I think it’s possible that this thing could work. If anyone can recommend some follows I would appreciate that.
End of feed.