
There’s a window on the estate that has, since the last election, had a “vote Diane Abbott” poster which has over the last few days changed to “Vote Green”, which is just a beautiful snapshot of how odd electoral behaviour can be.
I kept a running mental tally of the places on Archway Road with a Corbyn leadership “Honest Politics” poster in the window in 2015. All four had all gone Green by 2019. I appreciate this is anecdata not a sample.
It’s fascinating how the Blackstock Road end of the constituency is absolutely covered in JC flyers this time around and the Archway Road one isn’t, IMO.
Weirdly having lived round there this just feels right. Like if you had to ask for a JC epicenter it would run along that end of Seven Sisters
Yeeaah, up to a point, in that it’s the Arsenal end and the Kurdish end, but I think, that’s only true post-Brexit. e.g. my first serious girlfriend’s parents were JCx2 (plus all the GEs since 1983) second reffers as are loads of people round the Archway Road end.
I feel like if (when? I just think his campaign being visibly better has to matter) he wins it will be a fascinating mirror image of his strongest areas in ‘05.
Intrigued to see how the vote breaks down. Also now pining for some Baban Naan.